
The Python community has written some excellent profiling tools. This page includes some suggestions about using them to profile your code.

Installing line_profile

Using easy_install:

$ easy_install --user line_profile

Using line_profile

Begin by instantiating a profiler:

>>> import line_profiler
>>> ip = line_profiler.LineProfiler()

You must instruct this profiler to collect statistics on particular functions:

>>> import pydfmux
>>> ip.add_function(pydfmux.algorithms.measurement_algs.take_netanal.take_netanal)
>>> import dfmux_mezzanine_qc
>>> results ='dfmux_mezzanine_qc.main()')

Your profiling results are now available via the results object:

>>> results.print_stats()

This call produces a large amount of output, including the following:

File: /home/gsmecher/winterland/pydfmux/algorithms/measurement_algs/
Function: sweep_netanal at line 185

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   185                                           def sweep_netanal(rmod, freqmin, freqmax, npts, nsamps,
   186                                                              amp, target, logger=False):
   187                                               """The worker function of the module.
   189                                               This function actually sets the frequencies and amplitudes, records the
   190                                               data, calculates the phase and magnitude information, and outputs this to a
   191                                               dictionary.  It is hidden from tab-completion as it should not be called on
   192                                               its own.  Use the take_netanal function instead.
   194                                               Args:
   195                                                   rmod: A ReadoutModule hardware-map object with which to take a network
   196                                                       analysis.
   198                                                   freqmin: The starting frequency of the scan (in Hz). Default: 2e5
   200                                                   freqmax: The ending frequency of the scan (in Hz). Default: 5e6
   202                                                   npts: The number of points to take in the scan. NOTE -- this will be
   203                                                       rounded to the next multiple of the number of channels being used
   204                                                       (typically 64, but the code queries the board to ask what
   205                                                       mux-factor it can do). Default: 500
   207                                                   nsamps: The number of samples to take at each frequency (how long to
   208                                                       integrate). Default: 128
   210                                                   amp: Amplitude in Normalized units for each frequency to use. Remember
   211                                                       that in general there will be 64 such frequencies simultaneously,
   212                                                       so divide up that dynamic range accordingly. Default: 0.01
   214                                                   target: The DAC to use in the scan. Options are 'nuller' and 'carrier'
   215                                                       (also accessible as dfmux attributes as d.TARGET.NULLER, d.TARGET.CARRIER)
   217                                                   logger: Standard logging object being used.
   218                                               """
   219         8           79      9.9      0.0      d = rmod.iceboard
   220         8          227     28.4      0.0      rail_monitor = RailMonitor(rmod, logger=logger)  # This is a class instantiation of the rail monitor
   221         8           18      2.2      0.0      if not logger:
   222                                                   logger = _LM.get_child_logger(target=rmod, extra_field_dict={})
   223                                         'STARTING Algorithm')
   225         8           30      3.8      0.0      if target == d.TARGET.NULLER:
   226         4          462    115.5      0.0'Taking nuller network analysis.')
   227         4           19      4.8      0.0          internal_target = d.ROUTING.NULLER
   228                                               else:
   229         4          612    153.0      0.0'Taking carrier network analysis.')
   230         4           63     15.8      0.0          internal_target = d.ROUTING.CARRIER
   232         8       218829  27353.6      0.1      chanlist =
   234         8           24      3.0      0.0      if npts % len(chanlist):
   235         8           18      2.2      0.0          npts += len(chanlist) - npts % len(chanlist)
   236         8         1056    132.0      0.0"Selected number of points doesn't evenly divide the available channels. Rounding up to {0} points".format(npts))
   238         8          420     52.5      0.0      freqlist = np.linspace(freqmin, freqmax, npts)
   239         8          170     21.2      0.0      freqlist = np.around(freqlist, decimals=1)  # Just making the output easier
   240         8           20      2.5      0.0      niters = npts / len(chanlist)
   241         8           14      1.8      0.0      maglist = []
   242         8           12      1.5      0.0      phaselist = []
   243         8           11      1.4      0.0      noiselist = []
   244         8           12      1.5      0.0      vdemodlist = []
   245         8           12      1.5      0.0      amps_raw = []
   246         8           12      1.5      0.0      amps_cal = []
   247         8           12      1.5      0.0      overloadcountlist = []
   249         8      4520884 565110.5      1.6      rmod.channels.set_amplitude(amp, d.UNITS.NORMALIZED, target)
   251        72          189      2.6      0.0      for iiter in range(niters):
   252        64         8432    131.8      0.0'Taking frequency set {0} of {1}'.format(iiter + 1, niters))
   254                                                   # Resetting the DMFD routing, for safety
   255        64          865     13.5      0.0          rmod.set_dmfd_routing(target=d.ROUTING.ADC, target_module=rmod.module,
   256        64       389958   6093.1      0.1                                target_mezzanine=rmod.mezzanine.mezzanine)
   257      4160       321058     77.2      0.1          for channel in rmod.channels:
   258      4096        32020      7.8      0.0              channel.set_frequency(freqlist[(iiter * 64) + - 1],
   259      4096     21271228   5193.2      7.7                                    d.UNITS.HZ, d.TARGET.DEMOD)
   260      4096        33903      8.3      0.0              channel.set_frequency(freqlist[(iiter * 64) + - 1],
   261      4096     21723862   5303.7      7.9                                    d.UNITS.HZ, target)
   263        64      5116163  79940.0      1.9          rail_monitor.check_DAC_rail(target=target)
   264        64      4448112  69501.8      1.6          rail_monitor.check_ADC_rail()
   265        64         9319    145.6      0.0          logger.debug('Getting Samples')
   266        64     87460093 1366564.0     31.7          samples = rmod.get_samples(num_samples=nsamps)
   267        64         8825    137.9      0.0          logger.debug('Getting Calibration Rerouted Samples')
   268        64          750     11.7      0.0          rmod.set_dmfd_routing(target=internal_target, target_module=rmod.module,
   269        64       605957   9468.1      0.2                                target_mezzanine=rmod.mezzanine.mezzanine)
   270        64      4263775  66621.5      1.5          rail_monitor.check_ADC_rail()
   271        64     88379403 1380928.2     32.0          cal_samples = rmod.get_samples(num_samples=nsamps)
   273                                                   #  Calculate the quantities we want as we go
   274      4160       366895     88.2      0.1          for chan in rmod.channels:
   275      4096     21363718   5215.8      7.7              chanfreq = chan.get_frequency(d.UNITS.HZ, d.TARGET.NULLER)
   276      4096        84324     20.6      0.0              pfb_cor = 1.0 / pfb_gains.predict_amplitude_factor(chanfreq)
   277      4096       137108     33.5      0.0              complexData = (pfb_cor * np.array(samples.i[ - 1]).astype('float64')) + \
   278      4096       123754     30.2      0.0                            (pfb_cor * np.array(samples.q[ - 1]).astype('float64') * 1.j)
   279      4096        84030     20.5      0.0              complexCalData = (pfb_cor * np.array(cal_samples.i[ - 1]).astype('float64')) + \
   280      4096       100469     24.5      0.0                               (pfb_cor * np.array(cal_samples.q[ - 1]).astype('float64') * 1.j)
   281      4096         6633      1.6      0.0              if amp == 0.:
   282                                                           complexCalData = complexData * 0. + 1.
   284      4096        22743      5.6      0.0              fullData = complexData / complexCalData
   285      4096       139277     34.0      0.1              meanData = np.mean(fullData)
   286      4096         7907      1.9      0.0              mag = abs(meanData)
   287      4096        29091      7.1      0.0              phase = np.arctan2(meanData.imag, meanData.real) * 57.2957795  # in degrees
   288      4096        12232      3.0      0.0              phase %= 360  # ensure 0 <= phase < 360
   290      4096         6775      1.7      0.0              maglist.append(mag)
   291      4096         5494      1.3      0.0              phaselist.append(phase)
   292      4096       236471     57.7      0.1              noiselist.append(np.std(abs(fullData)) / np.sqrt(nsamps))
   293      4096        76083     18.6      0.0              raw = np.mean(complexData)
   294      4096        61301     15.0      0.0              cal = np.mean(complexCalData)
   295      4096         6409      1.6      0.0              amps_raw.append(raw)
   296      4096         5776      1.4      0.0              amps_cal.append(cal)
   297                                                       # amps_raw.append(np.mean(complexData))
   298                                                       # amps_cal.append(np.mean(complexCalData))
   299        64       293283   4582.5      0.1          overloadcountlist.append(rmod.get_overload_count(d.TARGET.DEMOD))
   300        64          335      5.2      0.0          vdemodlist.append(rmod.get_fast_samples(units=d.UNITS.NORMALIZED,
   301        64           93      1.5      0.0                                                  average=True,
   302        64      5987434  93553.7      2.2                                                  target=d.TARGET.DEMOD))
   304         8         1128    141.0      0.0      logger.debug('Finishing, Restoring re-routing, re-zeroing channels')
   306         8        47077   5884.6      0.0      rmod.set_dmfd_routing(target=d.ROUTING.ADC, target_module=rmod.module, target_mezzanine=rmod.mezzanine.mezzanine)
   307         8      2790021 348752.6      1.0      rmod.channels.set_amplitude(0, d.UNITS.NORMALIZED, target)
   308         8      2797171 349646.4      1.0      rmod.channels.set_frequency(0, d.UNITS.HZ, target)
   309         8      2678879 334859.9      1.0      rmod.channels.set_frequency(0, d.UNITS.HZ, d.TARGET.DEMOD)
   311         8           30      3.8      0.0      data = {
   312         8           20      2.5      0.0          'description': 'Network Analysis using the {0}'.format(target),
   313         8           13      1.6      0.0          'freq': freqlist,
   314         8           12      1.5      0.0          'amp': maglist,
   315         8           14      1.8      0.0          'phase': phaselist,
   316         8            9      1.1      0.0          'noise': noiselist,
   317         8           10      1.2      0.0          'vdemod': vdemodlist,
   318         8            9      1.1      0.0          'overloadcount': overloadcountlist,
   319         8           11      1.4      0.0          'amp_raw': amps_raw,
   320         8           10      1.2      0.0          'amp_cal': amps_cal}
   322         8           11      1.4      0.0      return data

This output immediately tells us that get_samples() calls are responsible for 63% of the script’s runtime. The remaining calls are possibly worth optimizing, but Amdahl’s Law tells us we’ll never be able to halve the runtime unless we tackle get_samples().