---+!! Notes on accessing MBfits data from 2007 deployment

from rudiger: I have placed a version of my code to read the multiple scan MBFits files on the Wiki http://bolo.berkeley.edu/internal/apexsz/apex_online_log/index.php/2007-03-25b It is not in CVS so that it does not conflict with Dan's MBFits reader. It outputs a timestream and not the full structure.

Dan becker's code (read_file.pro) is in the MBFITS_IO directory in CVS, and it does handle the multiple-file MBFITS format. It reads in everything (or nearly everything) from the MBFITS file, creating IDL structures that mirror the MBFITS format pretty closely. Just do a help, , /str and you can see how it goes. (trevor verified that this works)... he wrote something quickly that takes the structure produced by MBFITS_IO/read_file.pro and converts it to the standard szd_XXX structure data_io/szd_frommbfits.pro (fills an szd_XXX structure data_io/szd_standardizeprograms/sz_read_mbfits) minimal MBFITS reader. We are currently producing MBFITS files with only AC data and pointing, no DC data or frontend (i.e. hardware state, fridge state) data, so the only thing inside the szd_XXX structure is the timestream and pointing.

-- MattDobbs - 30 Mar 2007

This topic: APEX_SZ > WebHome > 2007_ReadingMBfits Topic revision: r1 - 2007-03-30 - MattDobbs
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