---++ Simulated Timestreams
Using and Updating code written by M Fogel. in 2004, as well as the output of CMB-FAST and the SZ Y-Maps from Martin White's Simulations
I have simulated with 7 bolometers. Here is a map of the bolometers, and there offsets in arcminutes.
Here is the plotted sky_image, centered at an RA_DEC of [60.0,0.0], (which is the centre of my simulated scan) and which includes information from the CMB, SZ-Ymaps, and is smoothed with a Gaussian kernal.
Here is a plot (in RA_DEC) of the simulated scan strategy.
Here is an example timestream with no noise.
Here is an example timestream of only noise at values of : Photon = 383 Phonon= 184 Johnson = 130 (all in microkelvin*sqrt(s)), a 1/f knee of 196 Hz , a bolo rolloff of 160 Hz, and an electronic roll of of 400 Hz.
Here is an example timestream with noise input values of: Photon = 383 Phonon= 184 Johnson = 130 (all in microkelvin*sqrt(s)), a 1/f knee of 196 Hz , a bolo rolloff of 160 Hz, and an electronic roll of of 400 Hz. Noting the scale, we see that noise dominates the timestream.
Here is the final map, (it is cut off a bit on the top) , which we can see is dominated by the noise. I am working to include labels.
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Topic revision: r1 - 2008-05-21 - WinterlandUser