We've made a map using a wedge based spatial template. This applies the usual spatial template except instead of fitting a template across the array, we fit it across the individual wedges.

Replace one 1st order spatial template with a 0th order wedge template.
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'flag_opticallydead',0.08};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'flag_demod_rails',7000};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'flag_glitches',6.0,5};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'flag_finalcuts',1,1,0.02,1};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'flag_noisychannels',3e-12,30e-12};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'flag_finalcuts',0.5,0.25,1,1};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'medianflatfield',1};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'flag_lowflatfield',3.};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'medianflatfield',1};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'circle_template_removal',20,1};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'flag_rms',5,2};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'removespatialtemplate',1,0,0,1};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'flag_rms',5,2};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'removespatialtemplate_by_wedge',0,0,0,1};
szvar.tsfilter{end+1} = {'flag_rms',5,2};

Figure 1.

The large scale structure is now gone, but the cluster does not appear. Could be buried in the map noise. Attemping harsher filtering

Note: Applying a higher order spatial template to each wedge, blows up when there are very few channels on a wedge. This has resulted in nan values appearing the map. The following maps have excluded those in the final coadd. I've written a new flagging routine that flags channels if there < 3 on a wedge. This could recover the scans which are being thrown away. These maps have a somewhat faulty fix

this is a 1st order spatial template by wedge. When there is only one channel, it forces a 0th order removal. (Subtracts the signal)

I've grouped two wedges together now to improve the higer order spatial template fits.

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng 20091010a_map.png manage 49.3 K 2009-10-14 - 18:28 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng 20091014a_map.png manage 48.6 K 2009-10-15 - 18:36 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng 20091014a_rdmap.png manage 6.4 K 2009-10-15 - 19:12 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng 20091014b_map.png manage 49.4 K 2009-10-15 - 18:36 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng 20091014b_rdmap.png manage 6.4 K 2009-10-15 - 19:11 JamesKennedy  

This topic: APEX_SZ > WebHome > XMMJ1230 > RemoveSpatialTemplateByWedge Topic revision: r2 - 2009-10-15 - JamesKennedy
© 2020 Winterland Cosmology Lab, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada