This page discusses the ongiong work in combined SZ-Xray fitting.
We are building up some code for the combined analysis of SZ Xray data.
Our first basic test measures the angular diameter distance to a simulated isothermal cluster.
The SZ simulation is created with non-uniform noise (using RXCJ1206) and the chi2 statistic is evaluated from the
radial model fit The Xray simulation is very basic. The data is simulated using a flat cooling function. 10 ksec exposure with No background, psf, or vignetting effects. The cash statistic is evaulated from the 2D to the xray map.
The combined fit uses the product of the likelihood at each step in the MCMC chain L_tot = L_sz*L_xray.
From these simulations we recover and unbiased angular diameter distance measurement, one example shown in figure 1.
Figure 1.
I have more realistic Xray simulations from Florian. This simulation gives a 10 ksec exposure with background and the instrumental response for each of the 3 XMM instruments (MOS1,MOS2, and PN). An example of the PN simulation is shown in figure 2. I calcuate the cash statistic from a fit to each insturment map in 2D space. The xray likelihood is the product of the individual likelihoods. Lxray = Lmos1 * Lmos2 * Lpn.
Figure 2.
To do:
- I have been coding up a library of SZ-Xray models.
- I still need to include temperature information into the fits L_temp
JamesKennedy - 2013-03-20
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Topic revision: r1 - 2013-03-20 - JamesKennedy