---+ Documentation for Analog FMUX Accessories
- Berk-CMB-Readout-Schematic-2006June_LevelTranslatorsRev3.pdf: Level Translators
- page 1: Level translator (rev3) converts LVDS signals from backplane to TTL dignal for NI DIO 6534 board.
- page 2: SQUID controller communications through a computer's parallel cable.
- page 3: breakout board for HDDB62 connector
- Instructions for building a DIO terminator
- order from digikey: mini-D 50 pin connector 10150-3000VE and its backshell 10350-52F0-008
- look up the pin locations of the differential pairs on the backplane datasheet. Pairs will have the same name except for the last character which will be "P" or "N" for the plus and negative side of the pair.
- solder a 100 ohm resistor across the pins for each pair. There are 10 pairs, so you'll need 10 leaded 100 ohm resistors.
MattDobbs - 16 Nov 2006
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