---+!! Launching the fMUX Software

This section describes how to start the hardware and software, starting ffrom the point where everything is powered off.

Power on the hardware

If more than one crate is in the system, one of the crates will be provide the 40 MHz clock to the others. This crate has to be switched on before the other crates. For SPT this is crate "SPT2". For APEX-SZ, there is only one crate.

Turn on the readout system data acquisition computer.

Start the Berkeley Fridge Controller Software

To check to see if a daemon is running, do ps aux | grep "DaemonName". The relevant daemons are FridgeDaemon, HardwareManagerDaemon, and DIODaemon.

If you are using the fridge software, and the fridge daemon isn't running, start it:

It will immediately return and launch as a daemon, but you should wait about a minute for it to start responding. Then start the logger:
  cd ~/fridge/tools
  ./logger.py &

Start the Readout System Software

To check to see if a daemon is running, do ps aux | grep "DaemonName". The relevant daemons are FridgeDaemon, HardwareManagerDaemon, and DIODaemon.

On the McGill system, the deamons are automatically started when the computer (lotusflowertower) reboots. root owns this process, so you need to be root to stop or restart it.

Now launch the core readout software on the readout PC. (If a process was previously running with root ownership, you will have to be root to restart it.)

  $ /etc/init.d/fMUX restart
  Stopping DIODaemon:                                        [  OK  ]
  Stopping HardwareManagerDeamon:                            [  OK  ]
  Stopping WatchDogDeamon:                                   [  OK  ]
  Starting errorServer:                                      [  OK  ]
  Starting DIODaemon:                                        [  OK  ]
  Starting HardwareManagerDaemon:                            [  OK  ]
  Starting WatchDogDaemon:                                   [  OK  ]
the hardware manage will take the hardware configuration (the "hardware map") from /MuxReadoutSoftware/Config/CURRENT .

Each of these deamons logs there errors and print statements to /var/log/fMUX .

For SPT, run the script that sends the command to tell the electronics to start sending data to the DAQ computer,

which picks up its directives at /usr/local/src/fMUX/Config/CURRENT/ADCConfig.xml (this python script replaces the old MuxReadoutSoftware/scripts/StartADC.sh script, which is no longer used for SPT).

For McGill or APEX-SZ, run the old script MuxReadoutSoftware/scripts/StartADC.sh (we have not yet migrated to the new script. For APEXSZ, this is just because we haven't tried it yet, but there's not reason it won't work. For McGill, it is because the new script does not allow you to specify internal ADC clock, so we need to add that functionality.).

-- ApexSZ - 01 Mar 2007

This topic: AnalogFMux > WebHome > FMuxSoftwareGuide > SWLaunchingTheSoftware Topic revision: r3 - 2007-09-29 - WinterlandUser
© 2020 Winterland Cosmology Lab, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada