---++ Cycling the Chase Fridge with the fridge Software

Scripts for cycling the Chase Fridge, such as auto_cycle.py, are in /fridge/tools. The cycle takes 2-3 hours. Each step in the cycle is triggered on temperature (not time!), so the length of the cycle varies.

An example of a cylce (taken from the Jan 2007 version of auto_cycle.py) is:

  1. Turn off all three switches (4He, IC, UC.
  2. wait until UC switch temperature falls below 7.5 K.
  3. Turn on IC pump heater to 75mA and wait until it rises to 55 K, then reduce IC pump heater current to 20mA.
  4. Turn on 4He pump heater to 75mA and wait until it rises to 45 K, then reduce 4He pump heater current to 16mA.
    • Wait for mainplate to cool to 3.6 K, then wait 15 minutes to condense 4He.
  5. Turn off the 4He pump current and turn on the 4He switch.
    • wait 10 minutes. if mainplate hasn't yet fallen below 4.8 K, wait longer until it does.
  6. Turn on UC pump heater to 40mA and wait until it rises to 55 K, then reduce UC pump heater current to 18mA.
    • wait 10 minutes. Record the heat exchanged (HEX) temperature, and wait until this temperature increases by 0.5 K.
  7. Cool the IC stage: turn off IC and UC pump currents, turn on IC switch.
    • wait 2 minutes.
  8. Cool the UC stage: turn on the UC switch.
    • wait until mainplate falls below 4 K.

-- MattDobbs - 01 Mar 2007

This topic: AnalogFMux > WebHome > FMuxSoftwareGuide > SWSystemOverview > SWfridge Topic revision: r1 - 2007-03-01 - MattDobbs
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