---++ Cycling the Chase Fridge with the
Scripts for cycling the Chase Fridge, such as auto_cycle.py, are in
/fridge/tools. The cycle takes 2-3 hours. Each step in the cycle is
triggered on temperature (not time!), so the length of the cycle
An example of a cylce (taken from the Jan 2007 version of auto_cycle.py) is:
- Turn off all three switches (4He, IC, UC.
- wait until UC switch temperature falls below 7.5 K.
- Turn on IC pump heater to 75mA and wait until it rises to 55 K, then reduce IC pump heater current to 20mA.
- Turn on 4He pump heater to 75mA and wait until it rises to 45 K, then reduce 4He pump heater current to 16mA.
- Wait for mainplate to cool to 3.6 K, then wait 15 minutes to condense 4He.
- Turn off the 4He pump current and turn on the 4He switch.
- wait 10 minutes. if mainplate hasn't yet fallen below 4.8 K, wait longer until it does.
- Turn on UC pump heater to 40mA and wait until it rises to 55 K, then reduce UC pump heater current to 18mA.
- wait 10 minutes. Record the heat exchanged (HEX) temperature, and wait until this temperature increases by 0.5 K.
- Cool the IC stage: turn off IC and UC pump currents, turn on IC switch.
- Cool the UC stage: turn on the UC switch.
- wait until mainplate falls below 4 K.
MattDobbs - 01 Mar 2007
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Topic revision: r1 - 2007-03-01 - MattDobbs