---+ Part Numbers for squid controller accessories and other controller related items

The RF gasketing for the SQUID controller box came from Compac Development Corp and doesn't seem to have a real part number but is called Product#: 0.250 SRF Gasket and can be ordered using that description.

The RF box uses: 88ea McMaster 91771A110 18-8 SS Flat Head Phillips Machine Screw 4-40 Thread, 1/2" Length , $2.75/100

14ea SDC-450 5.5" card guides, about 0.150" deep, $0.60 ea with 3.5" spacing on posts http://www.bivar.com/default.asp?p=p_detail&c=&prid=SDC-450 Available from: http://www.biscoind.com/

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