---++!! Record of striplines made in the Lab

This page has a list of the striplines made in the lab. The convention (enumeration of traces) used is shown in the figure below.


Figure 1

The Kapton film used for these striplines is 1/3 mil (0.0003'') thick. A single NbTi wire is approximately 29 mil wide and 1 mil thick. In a good stripline, the spacing between (borders of) adjacent lines is uniform along the stripline and approximately 37.5 mil (66.5 mil between centers), and the traces (plates) of each line are well aligned, one on top of the other, separated by the Kapton film, so the width of each line should remain approximately 29 mil. The misalignment of a line as mentioned in the table below is just



\frac{line~width_{worst~case}-29}{29} \cdot 100 \% \nonumber



For now, the table just includes basic information about each stripline, like its serial number, length, location, and maybe an additional note. Detailed measurements about the impedance of the lines are not included here.

LAST UPDATE: 09/09/2013





\multicolumn{4}{c}{Table 1. List of McGill Striplines}\\ \hline

Serial Number & Length incl. copper (inches) & Where is it? & Notes \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-001 & 27.5 & Storage room & Poor quality stripline. Spacing between adjacent lines is not uniform (specially lines 3 and 4, which are too close at some points). Misalignment between traces may reach 18\% at some points in line 4. NOT TO BE USED IN EBEX but can be used for tests. \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-002 & 27.5 & Minnesota & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-003 & 27.5 & Minnesota & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-004 & 27.5 & Minnesota & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-005 & 27.5 & Minnesota & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-006 & 27.5 & Minnesota & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-007 & 27.5 & Lab (Amy Bender) & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-008 & 27.5 & Lab (Amy Bender) & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-009 & 37.5 & Minnesota & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-010 & 37.5 & Storage room & DAMAGED STRIPLINE. Wires of line 3 snapped near one of the ends. All copper lost. Cannot be repaired. NOT TO BE USED IN EBEX\\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-011 & 37.5 & Minnesota & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-012 & 37.5 & Minnesota & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-013 & 37.5 & Minnesota & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-014 & 37.5 & Minnesota & \\ \hline

McG-SL-w03-015 & 37.5 & Lab (Amy Bender) & \\ \hline





Summary of EBEX Flight Striplines and Spares

As of August 2011, EBEX-Minnesota has the following inventory of striplines (see email exchange with Shaul and Kyle beginning Jul 22, 2011):

  • 12 short (27") striplines: 10 for flight + 2 spares (including the partially damaged Polsgrove one). These consist of:
    • 7 short (27") striplines Polsgrove-made (one of these is partially damaged and will be used as a spare
    • 5 short (27") striplines made-at-McGill
  • 5 long (37") striplines: 4 for flight + 1 spare. These consist of:
    • 5 long (37") striplines made-at-McGill

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JPEGjpg convention.jpg manage 31.9 K 2011-08-11 - 16:07 WinterlandUser Convention for striplines

This topic: AnalogFMux > WebHome > StriplineRecord Topic revision: r9 - 2013-09-09 - WinterlandUser
© 2020 Winterland Cosmology Lab, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada