---+ Programming power supply sequencing on Wiener crates

  • unplug the crate from the wall
  • pull the fan tray out by unscrewing the two black finger screws on the lower front panel (unscrew them in unison, so the tray slides out uniformly).
  • plug the custom DB9 communication cable (see Wiener docs) into the power supply bin (the back unit, not the fan tray) and the serial port on a windows computer
  • plug the crate into the 120V wall.
  • run the program UEP6000.exe, it will display all of the EEPROM settings of the power supply.
  • click on the Delay (ms) entries, and set the +-13V modules to a delay of 10ms and the 3.3V and 3.3V isolated modules to delay 20 ms.
  • document your changes by using print screen.
  • _Be very careful not to change any other settings!!, if you set the power supply to run outside of its range, then you will not be able to power up the crate next time... when it interfaces to the fan tray, the fan tray will automatically check to see if the bin settings are within preprogrammed ranges... if it is out of range, it will display an error "plug and play error" and refuse to power on. if this happens contact Matt Dobbs or Martin Lueker.
  • unplug the power supply from the wall
  • reinstall the fan tray.

-- MattDobbs - 30 Nov 2006

This topic: AnalogFMux > Internal/HardwareHowto > 2006-Wiener9UVME_Crate > WienerSequencing Topic revision: r2 - 2007-03-01 - MattDobbs
© 2020 Winterland Cosmology Lab, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada