Dark testing results for wafer 8.2.0

Bolo A B C D E F G H
1 460 - 470 460 - 470 460 - 470 460 - 470 450 - 460 445 - 465 - 450 - 465
2 470 - 480 470 - 480 475 - 485 467 - 477 440 - 460 445 - 460 - 445 - 460
3 460 - 470 460 - 470 460 - 470 458 - 468 464 - 470 460 - 470 - 460 - 470
4 460 - 470 460 - 470 460 - 470 460 - 470 453 - 463 450 - 465 - 450 - 465
5 455 - 465 455 - 465 455 - 465 455 - 465 445 - 460 445 - 460 - 445 - 460
6 455 - 470 455 - 470 455 - 470 455 - 465 x x - -
7 x x x - - x - -
8 x - - - - - - -

Bolo Q R S T U V W X
1 450 - 460 450 - 460 445 - 460 445 - 470 455 - 465 445 - 465 455 - 465 455 - 465
2 445 - 460 445 - 460 440 - 460 440 - 477 450 - 460 450 - 460 450 - 460 450 - 462
3 450 - 460 450 - 460 445 - 460 450 - 468 470 - 480 470 - 480 468 - 480 468 - 480
4 455 - 465 455 - 465 455 - 465 450 - 470 465 - 475 465 - 475 465 - 475 465 - 475
5 450 - 460 450 - 465 450 - 460 450 - 465 462 - 472 465 - 470 460 - 470 465 - 470
6 - 450 - 465 450 - 470 450 - 470 462 - 470 - - 460 - 470
7 - - - - 435 - 450 - - 435 - 450
8 - - - - - - - 435 - 440

Notes: There seem to be some problems with matplot lib fitting properly, but instead of taking the time to run all that down I changed the HWM by hand to make the frequencies for bolometers F6, H3 and Q4 closer to where I think the resonance should be. This was very quick and dirty so we should expect some issues with those bolometers.

The combs missing in ETF are from bolometers that were unable to renull after the measurement. If this happened on the final bolometer then it wasn't a problem, but if it was not the last bolometer the entire comb was thrown out. Later I can go back and try to process the data as if there were fewer bolometers on the comb.

Nov14Tc.tar.gz has .png and .eps plots for each bolometer's transition. In the tables '-' means there is no bolometer, 'x' means that the data returned was bad (reason unknown) and there is no Tc measured. All the temperatures are in mK. The values are my estimates by eye from the plots.

spectaData.tar.gz contains pickle files with data from Mike's specAnal function (part of ucb.py). In the files 'xdata' is the frequency in Hz and 'ydata' is the average ADC counts for 100 points of data at that frequency. All data was streamed at FIR3. A note on the data: The 'ydata' for D, F, Q, and U take IQ measurements of 100 points, average I and Q separately and then calculate the magnitude. This really is only sensitive to the signal at the demodulator frequency. B, E, H, R, and V take a single demodulator measurement, calculate the rms of the of the entire 100 points and return that. This is also sensitive to the signals in the readout bandwidth.

spectaPlots.tar.gz contains .png files for all the combs with spectrum data. These are B, D, E, F, H, Q, R, U, and V.

Tc data was taken with a nuller gain=0, amplitude 0.1 and demod gain=1. No carriers were harmed, or used, in the taking of this data. Tcs are given in mK.

-- PeterHyland - 11 Nov 2009

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatgz Nov14Tc.tar.gz manage 5618.3 K 2009-11-17 - 20:51 PeterHyland Archive of Tc plots for all bolometers
PDFpdf PB_8.2.0_boloIV.pdf manage 1038.9 K 2009-11-12 - 19:45 PeterHyland IV's with higher bias
PDFpdf PB_8.2.0_boloIV_2.pdf manage 2136.4 K 2009-11-12 - 19:55 PeterHyland IV's with higher bias
PDFpdf PB_8.2.0_boloIV_Nov13.pdf manage 2526.9 K 2009-11-17 - 13:56 PeterHyland  
PDFpdf PB_8.2.0_etf.pdf manage 2747.4 K 2009-11-17 - 13:56 PeterHyland  
PDFpdf PB_8.2.0_netanal.pdf manage 2031.2 K 2009-11-11 - 17:26 PeterHyland Initial NA for 8.2.0
PDFpdf PB_8.2.0_netanal_15.2uH.pdf manage 2022.2 K 2009-11-11 - 21:45 PeterHyland Fits with 15.2 uH inductors assumed
PDFpdf PB_8.2.0_netanal_18Nov2009.pdf manage 2347.8 K 2009-11-19 - 15:18 PeterHyland NA with higher carrier amp and demod gain settings
PDFpdf PB_8.2.0_netanal_final.pdf manage 2322.3 K 2009-11-17 - 13:55 PeterHyland  
Unknown file formatgz spectaData.tar.gz manage 3340.1 K 2009-11-20 - 14:59 PeterHyland Archive of spectra data for some combs
Unknown file formatgz spectraPlots.tar.gz manage 340.7 K 2009-11-20 - 14:59 PeterHyland Archive of spectra plots for some combs

This topic: BolometerTesting > WebHome > PolarBear > 2009_PB_Bolo820 Topic revision: r9 - 2010-01-06 - PeterHyland
© 2020 Winterland Cosmology Lab, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada