---+!! Procedure to Characterize a Bolometer Array
Are you Kevin B? If so you might want
- When the detectors reach ~4K, run network analysis. This is to allow to check for cold short by comparing 4K and <1K network analysis. A cold short can prevent the SQUID from being tuned (from Kate's experience).
- Analysis can be run from DiMMER or from pyWTL/analysis/FitNetanal_DiMMER.py.
python pyWTL/trunk/DiMMER/DiMMER.py
3) System Characterization
3) Network Analysis
- When detectors are cold. Run network analysis >Tc (~800mK).
- Analysis can be run from DiMMER or from pyWTL/analysis/FitNetanal_DiMMER.py.
python pyWTL/DiMMER/DiMMER.py
3) System Characterization
3) Network Analysis
- Overbiased values needs to be guessed. Overbias the detectors using DiMMER, cool the stage and take IV curves.
- Analysis can be run from DiMMER or from (script not available on wiki yet)
python pyWTL/DiMMER/DiMMER.py
2) System Tuning
8) Use hardware map for auto tuning ( 3) Overbias Combs can also be used for uniform settings)
2) Overbias Combs
python pyWTL/DiMMER/DiMMER.py
3) System Characterization
7) Nulled TES I-V curves
- Repeat previous steps until the TES show turnarounds or a resistive curve.
- Take Tc measurements.
- The code to record the data live in pyWTL/lab_modules/Tc_McGill/.
- The script TcSetup.py sets up the settings on the DfMUX.
- The script LaunchRecordData.py launches one script per DfMUX to record timestreams and temperatures from the cryo board.
- The values read on the cryoboard need to be corrected afterwards. Ask Franky or James.
- T0 run the Tc measurement :
- Start warm (>Tc). Remove heaters and leave switches opened. The temperature will drop, but too quickly for a reliable Tc measurement.
- Take a rough peak at which temperature the Tc are.
- Put some heat on the 1K resistor that lives on the adaptor plate (~120 DAC counts). Warning : The value you enter gets an offset (368 DAC counts) added to it. If you enter 100, 468 will produced and shown on the wiki page. If you want to add 10 DAC counts, you need to enter 110 and NOT 478. If you do so, the temperature will rise rapidly and the fridge cycle might be compromised.
- To heat up slowly, use /workspace/daquser/cryo_electronic/crython/franky_Tc.py on hungabee. Needs to be finalize. Comment/uncomment to chose if you are heating up or cooling. It will increase/decrease the DAC counts on the 1K resistor and sleep some time in between. Sleeping time of 120s is roughly ok. Play with that time at will.
- Plot data and determine Tc by eye. Once below Tc, be warned that the ADC rails and the signal looks funny. Only the "warmest" transitions should be looked at.
- Take noise measurements. Use DiMMER to setup. Analysis scripts are available in pyWTL/noise/. See README files for documentation or contact Franky if it's not clear. Typical measurements are :
- SQUID noise >Tc
- Overbias noise >Tc
- Overbias noise <Tc
- Dropping bolos one by on at different positions in transition. Time makes it almost impossible to do this for all detectors. At least a subset is nice.
- Dropping all bolometers at various deepness in transition (the previous step is useful to debug if this step has high noise).
- Take tau_etf measurements. Make sure the measurements are done at at least 2 deepness in transition since tau_etf depends on the loop gain.
- Analysis can be done in DiMMER.
python pyWTL/DiMMER/DiMMER.py
3) System Characterization
8) Tau (electro thermal feedback)
- Optical time constant measurements cannot be done in the current cryostat.
FrancoisAubin - 05 Apr 2011
This topic: BolometerTesting
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Topic revision: r3 - 2012-04-24 - KevinMacDermid