---++ SPT wedge X1

-- FrancoisAubin - 25 Jun 2008

Simulation values for comb resonances. Values for Bolo V and I have had a 1/sqrt(2) correction to complex components. Values for the voltage were calculated by differencing in the complex plane and then taking the magnitude i.e. sqrt( |Z1-Z2|^2 ).

Center Freq (kHz) Center Sim - Center Fit (Hz) V across Bolo (uV) I through Bolo (uA) Power in Bolo (pW) apparent V (uV) apparent I (uA) apparent P (pW) Power in Bolo / apparent P
325.907 288 10.814 8.319 89.963 10.0 8.747 87.47 1.0285
378.886 114 10.628 8.175 86.889 10.0 8.368 83.68 1.0383
428.701 36 10.456 8.043 84.101 10.0 8.097 80.97 1.0387
480.569 19 10.335 7.950 82.167 10.0 7.930 79.30 1.0362
530.420 -30 10.138 7.798 79.057 10.0 7.670 76.70 1.0307
587.305 -100 10.089 7.761 78.300 10.0 7.642 76.42 1.0246
630.209 -39 9.622 7.402 71.219 10.0 7.190 71.90 0.9905
689.051 577 9.384 7.218 67.731 10.0 6.672 66.72 1.0152
Apparent V is the voltage calculate across the bias resistor, apparent I is the current through the SQUID coil from the network analysis and apparent P is the multiplication of the two previous.

-- PeterHyland - 04 Jul 2008

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatcsd 10July2008_FullComb_1-3Ohm_1nHSerRbias_100nHStray.csd manage 58065.8 K 2008-07-10 - 13:48 PeterHyland PSpice Sim with 100nH stary inductance
Unknown file formatcsd 10July2008_FullComb_1-3Ohm_1nHSerRbias_150nHStray.csd manage 58133.4 K 2008-07-10 - 13:49 PeterHyland PSpice Sim with 150nH stary inductance
Unknown file formatcsd 10July2008_FullComb_1-3Ohm_1nHSerRbias_175nHStray.csd manage 58158.6 K 2008-07-10 - 13:49 PeterHyland PSpice Sim with 175nH stary inductance
Unknown file formatcsd 10July2008_FullComb_1-3Ohm_1nHSerRbias_200nHStray.csd manage 58181.7 K 2008-07-10 - 13:50 PeterHyland PSpice Sim with 200nH stary inductance
PDFpdf K03_netanal.pdf manage 1217.7 K 2008-06-25 - 17:41 FrancoisAubin  
PDFpdf K04_netanal.pdf manage 532.2 K 2008-06-25 - 17:41 FrancoisAubin  
Unknown file formatcsd NetworkAnal_1-3OhmBolo_100nHSerL_1nHwithRbias.csd manage 14365.6 K 2008-07-03 - 15:40 PeterHyland CDS file of PSpice network analysis
Unknown file formatdat NetworkAnal_1-3OhmBolo_100nHSerL_1nHwithRbias.dat manage 8300.8 K 2008-07-03 - 17:42 FrancoisAubin  
PDFpdf PSpice_DATA_1-3Ohmbolo_100nHSerL_1nHwithRbias.pdf manage 201.8 K 2008-07-03 - 15:40 PeterHyland pdf of the PSpice net analysis result for comparison
PDFpdf PSpice_SCHEMATIC_1-3Ohmbolo_100nHSerL_1nHwithRbias.pdf manage 16.9 K 2008-07-03 - 15:41 PeterHyland pdf of the circuit being simulated in PSpice
PDFpdf STP_wedgeX1.pdf manage 1184.6 K 2008-07-24 - 19:08 FrancoisAubin  
PDFpdf sim_netanal.pdf manage 187.4 K 2008-07-03 - 19:14 FrancoisAubin  

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