---+ Loop Gain Measurements on 8.2.1
I've been interested in the behaviour of bolometers under strong electrothermal feedback (ETF). The loop gain of a bolometer parametrizes the strength of the ETF given assumptions such as small signal analysis and perfect voltage bias.
The Measurement
The effective time constant of a bolometer is sped up by the loop gain.
\tau_{eff} = \frac{\tau_0}{1+\mathcal{L}}
This allows us to measure loop gain by measuring time constants. Specifically we chose to find the relation between loop gain and bolometer resistance.
In order to normalize the loop gain, I set L=1 at turnaround (here: R=0.88*R_n) to normalize tau_0.
TijmenDeHaan - 15 Feb 2010
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Topic revision: r2 - 2011-11-15 - FrancoisAubin