---+!! Welcome to the CryoElectronics web
User Manuals
- CryoBoardIntroduction: A visual introduction to the cryoelectronics board
- BreakerBoxForChaseFridge - a summary of a pin mapping from the chase fridge to the cryo electronics board
- GettingStartedWithCrython: First steps with the Cryo board, using its "Crython" Python interface
- UsersGuide: A piecemeal user's guide, which may grow into something useful.
- CryostatHowTo: A beginner's guide to physically operating the cryostats (how to open, close up, set up monitoring, etc).
Firmware Releases and Software Upgrades
Asset Tracking and Commissioning
Developer Manuals
Design Pages
Noise Measurements
Obsolete Pages
Most of these pages deal with the Virtex-4 FX12 revision of the cryoelectronics board. While they are still relevant, they should be treated with a little care to ensure they are not obsolete.
(GMS, Aug. 2010: I just moved all of these pages into an "obsolete" header pending public release of the Spartan-6 cryoelectronics board. I will bring them back out when I'm ready to vet and update them.)
Quirks Pages
These pages document hiccoughs or other miscellany in the software, firmware, or hardware that will hopefully be addressed by improvements in future revisions.
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Topic revision: r150 - 2018-08-13 - MacleanRouble