---+ Measured Bolometer PSDs while using the Cryoboard
The cryoboard may result in modulation of the AC bias voltages, or produce radio frequency noise. Here, we take timestreams of bolometers in transition using either the QMC fridge controller, the cryoboard, or a simple 9V battery. The latter should never produce modulations or RF noise and can hence be used as a baseline.
When using the QMC, all RTDs and diodes were biased and read out. The battery box just provided a steady voltage to keep the switches closed and when using the cryoboard, a small bias was put through one RTD.
The following plots show PSDs for bolometers in transition.
PSD of timestream of bolometer in transition |
PSD of timestream of bolometer in transition |
PSD of timestream of bolometer in transition |
PSD of timestream of bolometer in transition |
PSD of timestream of bolometer in transition |
PSD of timestream of bolometer in transition |
PSD of timestream of bolometer in transition |
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Topic revision: r1 - 2010-12-03 - TijmenDeHaan