Drive Current

We connect the drive circuit inputs with a 1.993 kohm resistor and measure the drive current for both a DC and demodulated 6 Hz sine wave signal. Each plot includes the 20 second timestream, the timestream psd, and the timestream psd in machine units.

Figure 1 A 0 amplitude DC signal
Figure 2 A 6 Hz signal with 23.1nA current (not demodulated)
Figure 3 A 6 Hz sinewave with 23.1nA rms current (demodulated)

Sense Current

We connect the sense circuit inputs with a 1.998 kohm resistor and measure the voltage output (isolated from the drive current). The plot includes the 20 second timestream, the timestream psd, and the timestream psd in machine units. The dashed green line is the voltage noise prediction from the combined Johnson noise in the resistor and the amplifier white noise level (added in quadrature).

Figure 4

Resistance Measurement

We connect a 1.993 kohm resistor across the sense and drive circuit inputs. The green dashed line in the resistance plot is the noise prediction due to the voltage noise only.

DC bias
Figure 5 Current Measurement
Figure 6 Voltage Measurement
Figure 7 Resistance Measurement

6 Hz sinewave bias
The signal is modulated to DC and 12 Hz, and the 6 Hz spike is the modulated DC offset.
Figure 8 Current Measurement
Figure 9 Voltage Measurement
Figure 10 Resistance Measurement

17 Hz sinewave bias
The 8 Hz spike is the aliased DC offset that is modulated to 17 Hz, then aliased to 8 Hz.
Figure 11 Current Measurement
Figure 12 Voltage Measurement
Figure 13 Resistance Measurement

RTD Measurements

The following plots are taken from measurements of a cold UC head in the dewar (~2 kohm)
Figure 14 Current Measurement
Figure 15 Voltage Measurement
Figure 16 Resistance Measurement


The script used to generate the above plots is HERE. You will need to change the ip address and port that the script streams to. It includes packages from the pyWTL directories.

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt manage 4.9 K 2010-11-30 - 00:21 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_0biasDC_drive_noise_ch1_nodemod.png manage 83.7 K 2010-11-23 - 19:04 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_0bias_noise_ch1_nodemod.png manage 75.9 K 2010-11-23 - 19:08 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_3e4dacbias6Hz_drive_noise_ch1_demod.png manage 74.1 K 2010-11-23 - 19:04 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_3e4dacbias6Hz_drive_noise_ch1_nodemod.png manage 65.0 K 2010-11-23 - 19:03 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_dewar_gain100ohm_15nAbias17Hz_noise_ch1_demod.png manage 90.0 K 2010-11-30 - 00:12 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_dewar_gain100ohm_15nAbias17Hz_noise_ch1_demodcurrent.png manage 90.6 K 2010-11-30 - 00:13 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_dewar_gain100ohm_15nAbias17Hz_noise_ch1_demodresistance.png manage 83.6 K 2010-11-30 - 00:13 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_drive_sense_0DCbias_noise_ch1_nodemodcurrent.png manage 88.9 K 2010-11-23 - 19:12 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_drive_sense_15nAbias17Hz_noise_ch1_demod.png manage 94.8 K 2010-11-23 - 22:11 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_drive_sense_15nAbias17Hz_noise_ch1_demodcurrent.png manage 93.9 K 2010-11-23 - 22:11 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_drive_sense_15nAbias6Hz_noise_ch1_demod.png manage 85.8 K 2010-11-23 - 19:13 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_drive_sense_15nAbias6Hz_noise_ch1_demodcurrent.png manage 76.0 K 2010-11-23 - 19:13 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_drive_sense_15nAbias6Hz_noise_ch1_demodresistance.png manage 76.6 K 2010-11-23 - 19:13 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_drive_sense_15nAbiasDC_noise_ch1_nodemod.png manage 80.2 K 2010-11-23 - 19:12 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_drive_sense_15nAbiasDC_noise_ch1_nodemodcurrent.png manage 84.0 K 2010-11-23 - 19:12 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng psd_drive_sense_15nAbiasDC_noise_ch1_nodemodresistance.png manage 67.9 K 2010-11-23 - 22:11 JamesKennedy  

This topic: CryoElectronics > WebHome > CryoNoise Topic revision: r4 - 2010-12-02 - JamesKennedy
© 2020 Winterland Cosmology Lab, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada