Measured Transfer Functions for the Drive/Sense circuit combo

This page describes the expected and measured transfer function for the cryoboard resistance measurements

Both the voltage and current measurements deviate from their expected results.

channel_1_Voltage.png channel_1_Voltageloglog.png
Figure 1: The voltage measurements are plotted as stars and the expected signal due to the double-pole LPF is plotted in red Figure 2: The voltage measurements on log-log

channel_1_Current.png channel_1_current_loglog.png
Figure3: The current measurements are plotted as stars and the expected signal from the single-pole LPF is plotted in red Figure 4: The current measurements on log-log

Due to the differences in frequency reponse for the current and voltage measurements, the resistance is not flat across frequencies.

channel_1_Resistance.png channel_1_Resistanceloglog.png
Figure 5: The resistance measurements for channel 1 (using the data from figures 1 and 2) Figure 6: The resistance measurements on log-log

The board shows a general pattern in that resistance measurements on channels 1 and 2 on an ADC result in a positive error ( The resistance is less than measured ). The resistances on channels 3 and 4 of an ADC have a negative error ( The resistance is greater than measured ).

Figure 7. An example of a channel 4 on an ADC

Some of the effect is due to differences in the single-pole LPF on the Drive circuit, and the double-pole LPF on the sense circuit. The results of a full spice simulation and the measured resistance for channel 4 is shown in figure 8. The filtering differences do not fully account for the negative errors (and especially do not account for the positive error in resistance measurements)

Figure 8.

There is a strong bimodal effect in the current measurements, which produce the bimodal effect in the resistance.

Figure 9. The current measurements for all the channels on the board. The colours match the ADC channel number (eg. blue is the first channel on each ADC)
Figure 10 shows the voltage measurements for all the channels on the board. The colours are the same as above.
Figure 11 shows the resistance measurements for all the channels on the board.

Its interesting that the grouped channels in the current measurement are not the same as the group channels in the resistance measurements.

Board10_current_data.dat: Board10_current_data.dat
Board10_resistance.dat: Board10_resistance.dat
Board10_voltage_data.dat: Board10_voltage_data.dat

Effects of the filter boards

We've measured the resistances for all channels on a board with and without the additional filter boards. Comparing the two results show that the filter boards contribute less than 1% to the resistance error.

In the below figures the resistance measured with the filter board is plotted in red and the resistance measured without the filter board is filtered in blue.

Figure 9. Channel 1

Figure 10. Channel 6.

* channel_1_current_loglog.png:

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatdat Board10_current_data.dat manage 3.3 K 2011-06-08 - 16:14 JamesKennedy  
Unknown file formatdat Board10_resistance.dat manage 3.3 K 2011-06-08 - 16:14 JamesKennedy  
Unknown file formatdat Board10_voltage_data.dat manage 3.6 K 2011-06-08 - 16:14 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng Channel_1.png manage 5.9 K 2011-06-07 - 20:09 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng Channel_4.png manage 5.8 K 2011-06-07 - 19:55 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng Channel_6.png manage 5.9 K 2011-06-07 - 20:15 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng board10_channel4_resistance.png manage 6.0 K 2011-06-07 - 19:55 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng board10_current.png manage 9.4 K 2011-06-08 - 16:44 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng board10_resistance.png manage 9.2 K 2011-06-08 - 16:44 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng board10_voltage.png manage 9.7 K 2011-06-08 - 16:44 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng channel_1_Current.png manage 21.5 K 2011-06-07 - 19:55 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng channel_1_Resistance.png manage 18.0 K 2011-06-07 - 19:55 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng channel_1_Resistanceloglog.png manage 12.2 K 2011-06-07 - 21:07 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng channel_1_Voltage.png manage 25.0 K 2011-06-07 - 19:55 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng channel_1_Voltageloglog.png manage 13.1 K 2011-06-07 - 21:07 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng channel_1_current_loglog.png manage 13.0 K 2011-06-07 - 21:10 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng channel_4_Current.png manage 21.4 K 2011-06-07 - 19:55 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng channel_4_Resistance.png manage 17.1 K 2011-06-07 - 19:55 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng channel_4_Voltage.png manage 21.4 K 2011-06-07 - 19:55 JamesKennedy  

This topic: CryoElectronics > WebHome > DriveSenseTransferFunctions Topic revision: r3 - 2011-06-08 - JamesKennedy
© 2020 Winterland Cosmology Lab, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada