---+ Summary of Polarbear Shipments from McGill
November 5, 2009
I had peter sort out the shipping documents and inventories to determine how many boards polarbear already has and check it against our inventory.
The original FPGA donation had 10 LX160 FPGAs for PB. The second donation had 20 LX160 FPGAs for PB (assumes EBEX succeeds at 16x mux). Two of the FPGAs are of the "old" LX100 type, and I received those for prototyping, so we can exclude them from the count. This means that, of the 30 total, PB already has 14 of its FPGAs.
Here is the summary list:
2 LX100 motherboards with mezzanines for PB HWP readout (1 board + 1 spare)
12 LX160 DfMux motherboards with mezzanines for PB deployment (10 boards + 2 spares)
2 LX160 DFMux motherboards with mezzanines for PB lab testing
2 Rev 2 Mezzanines for HWP
28 Rev 3 Mezzanines for DfMux
7 SQUID controllers for PB deployment (includes 2 spares)
1 SQUID controller for PB lab testing
6 fully populated SQUID boards.
Here's the detailed list from Peter:
--------- Motherboards ------------
004 : LX100 HWP Shipped to Berkeley in July 2008, Remains there
-021 : I don't have a record of shipping it out to Berkeley or getting it back here, but it was there according to the berkeley wiki and has returned to mcgill.
-025 : Shipped to Berkeley in July of 2008, Returned to McGill in March 2009
026 : Shipped to Berkeley in July of 2008, Remains there
043 : Shipped to Berkeley in January 2009 (12th), Remains there
-044 : Shipped to Berkeley in January 2009 (30th), Returned to McGill in March 2009
045 : Shipped to Berkeley in January 2009 (30th), Remains there
046 : Shipped to Berkeley in January 2009 (30th), Remains there
047 : Shipped to Berkeley in January 2009 (30th), Remains there
048 : Shipped to Berkeley in January 2009 (30th), Remains there
049 : Shipped to Berkeley in January 2009 (30th), Remains there
050 : Shipped to Berkeley in January 2009 (30th), Remains there
051 : Shipped to Berkeley in January 2009 (30th), Remains there
052 : Shipped to Berkeley in January 2009 (30th), Remains there
056 : Shipped to Berkeley in March 2009 (26th), Remains there
057 : Shipped to Berkeley in March 2009 (26th), Remains there
058 : Shipped to Berkeley in March 2009 (26th), Remains there
[For use in Berkeley lab and not for deployment]
059 : Shipped to Berkeley in March 2009 (26th), Remains there
[For use in Berkeley lab and not for deployment]
066 : LX100 HWP Shipped to Berkeley in January 2009 (30th), Remains there
--------- TOTAL 16 = 14 LX160 + 2 LX100 FPGA motherboards
------------- Mezzanine Boards -------
202 : I have not record of shippig, listed at Berkeley on PB wiki [Rev 2, for HWP]
207 : I have not record of shippig, listed at Berkeley on PB wiki [Rev 2, for HWP]
232 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008 [on MB 26]
233 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008 [on MB 26]
234 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008 [on MB 25]
235 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008 [on MB 25]
-236 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008, I have no record of its return, but it is here and fully characterized
261 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 44]
-262 : I have no record of shipping, Returned on March 20th 2009
263 : I have no record of shipping, listed at Berkeley
264 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 48]
267 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 45]
268 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 47]
269 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 45]
270 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 49]
271 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 51]
272 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 44]
-273 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 50], Returned on March 20th 2009
276 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 47]
277 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 51]
278 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 52]
281 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 46]
282 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 52]
284 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 50]
285 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 49]
287 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 48]
289 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009 [on MB 46]
298 : Shipped to Berkeley on March 26th 2009 [on MB 58]
299 : Shipped to Berkeley on March 26th 2009 [on MB 58]
300 : Shipped to Berkeley on March 26th 2009
301 : Shipped to Berkeley on March 26th 2009
306 : Shipped to Berkeley on March 26th 2009 [on MB 59]
307 : Shipped to Berkeley on March 26th 2009 [on MB 59]
------------ total 20 = 28 Rev 3 DfMux mezz + 2 Rev 2 Mezz for HWP
-------------- SQUID mounting boards ------------------------
K01 : Shipped to Berkeley on April 16th 2009, Remains there.
Populated with McGill-owned squids
K02 : Shipped to Berkeley on Feb 2nd 2009, Remains there.
Populated with McGill-owned squids
K03 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008, Remains there.
Populated with McGill-owned squids
K04 : Shipped to Berkeley on January 30th 2009, Remains there.
Populated with McGill-owned squids
K05 : Shipped to Berkeley on Feb 2nd 2009, Remains there.
Populated with Berkeley-owned squids
-K06 : Accidentally shipped to Berkeley on March 26, 2009, Returned to McGill April 16, 2009.
Populated with McGill-owned squids.
P5 : Populated with Berkeley-owned squids. I slipped P5, undocumented, into a wafer return.
I know that's bad. I think there was some urgency and a pickup was already scheduled.
At the time I figured it wouldn't hurt. My records on that are close to non-exsistent,
but I'm pretty sure it was KT8's first return to Berkeley on April 9th 2009.
During one of my trips to Berkeley I verified that the squid boards listed at Berkeley
(K01 - 5, and P5) are actually the ones that are there.
--------- TOTAL 6 = 4 McGill populated SQUID boards + 2 Berkeley populated squid boards.
-------------- SQUID controller boards ------------------------
3M104 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008, remains there
3M105 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008, remains there
3M106 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008, remains there
3M107 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008, remains there
3M108 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008, remains there
3M109 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008, remains there
3M110 : Shipped to Berkeley on July 28th 2008, remains there
3M112 : Shipped to Berkeley on March 26th as part of the Berkeley lab set, remains there
---------- total 8 SQUID controllers.
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Topic revision: r1 - 2009-11-05 - MattDobbs