---+ Group Memos and Internal Notes
Digital Readout System
- _Digital fMUX Readout System IP Specification, Matt Dobbs and Rajat Mukherjee, May 31, 2006, EBEX-DAS-2006-002
- Documentation for the UDP Emulator, Rajat Mukherjee, August 2006
- Clock behaviour on the DfMUX boards from master to slave, François Aubin, October 4, 2007
- Thermal/Vacuum (Bemco) Test Results - Kevin MacDermid, May 2008
- Lookup Table Noise - Kevin MacDermid, March 2009 - describes how the lookup table approach to demodulator generation can lead to some unexpected noise behavior.
- Transfer functions to use for the DfMUX boards. Calculation made from the board's schematic - François Aubin, August 2009
- Detailed bolometer noise calculation using the DfMUX multiplexing system - François Aubin, August 2009
- Commissioning of Cryoelectronics System, Peter Dahlberg, Undergrad Research Report, August 2009
- Removing the Atmospheric Foreground from the APEX-SZ Experiment Galaxy Cluster Survey Data, Claire Cohalan, March 2007, Undergrad Honors Thesis.
- Bolometer Glitch Instability Investigation for January ’06 APEX-SZ Engineering Run, Matt Dobbs, March 1, 2006 APEX-SZ-20060220
- Noise Expectation and Measurement for Representative APEX-SZ Bolometers, Matt Dobbs and Yoshihisa Yamamoto, Rev. 1 March 16, 2006, APEX-SZ-20060213a
Posters of Undergraduate Research
- What Happened Right After the Big Bang, by Rajat Mukherjee, September 2006, McGill University
- The APEX_SZ Experiment: Detecting Galaxy Clusters, by Claire Cohalan (St. Mary's University), September 2006, McGill University
- Design of a Bolometer Support Structure for Cryogenic Testing, by Mohamed Najih, Summer 2007, McGill University
Other students mentored by Matt, outside of McGill
- APEX-SZ Observation Simulations, Senior thesis by Mike Fogel, December 2004, UC Berkeley.
Undergrad Research at McGill
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