---++ Things to purchase for the lab
- six LR735 batteries (for pointer - done)
- GL Varnish10-9002
- Hex screws 4-40, 1/4" for mezz stand-offs.
- heat shrink Digi 1/8" A018C-4-ND.
- Epson Electronics America LVDS Oscillator EG2121CA LHPA (100ppm), (LGPA is 50ppm). Available thru newark.
- Mate & Lock R/A PCB 16M2902, 90F4824, 01C1197 (done)
- 66F3243, 53K1452, 65K9472 (done)
Jan 2010
- BNC 50 Ohm connector, MFG 5227726-3, (Digi-key A32341-ND)
- Dsub 37 ribbon cable ends - which press onto ribbon cable.
- 37 pin ribbon cable
Wish List
- SRS SR560 FET pre-amp, with programmable filter, 2200USD
- smart tweezers: http://www.smarttweezers.com/?gclid=CJfd4omwxZ4CFVw55Qod62nLpw
- optical window for test dewar
- internal mighty bolometer and/or chopper
- blue skys FTS
- second He10 for LHe dewar, UK24,000 = $60K
- network analyzer that can handle a few GHz for CHIME
- second PT410 or PT415 for second dewar US45000 = $55K
- handbook of cryogenic engineering
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Topic revision: r24 - 2010-03-18 - MattDobbs