---+!! Cosmology Group Library
Upload any external documents (papers, reports, etc) here that may be of interest to the group. Our internal memos and papers are kept elsewhere. For documents that can easily be downloaded elsewhere, just include the link (e.g. astro-ph documents).
Political Documents
SZ Observational Papers
- 38 clusters from 0.14<Z<0.89.
- Distance to clusters determined by combining BIMA SZ data and Chandra xray
- independent of the extragalactic distance ladder
- they find H_0 in this distant part of the universe, and find it is consistent with H_0 from hubble in the nearby universe.
- bridges the gap- nearby get H_0 from hubble optical, far away we get it from CMB+SN1A
- H_0~77+-4+-10 (assumes Lambda CDM) is not very sensitive to the cluster model (e.g. whether or not the cluster model includes hydrostatic equilibrium)
CMB Polarization papers
- H. Wayne. "A CMB Polarization Primer", arXiv:astro-ph/9706147 - A full description of CMB polarization, great diagrams of polarization being created at last scattering
- M. Zaldarriaga. "The Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background", arXiv:astro-ph/0305272v2 - Good description of what the polarization of the CMB means.
- J. Kaplan. "CMB Polarization as complementary information to anisotropies", arXiv:astro-ph/0310650v3 - Short article with a bit of a summary of CMB Polarization, has a great reference list.
Paper Library
These titles are available for the group in the lab's book shelf. If you take a book away from the lab, please sign it out by putting a note under the title here.
- J. Clarke and A. Braginski, The SQUID Handbook, Vol. 1, Fundamentals and Tehcnology, 2004.
PhD Theses
- T. Lanting Ph.D Thesis, MUX Readout of Superconducting Bolometers, 2007 (UC Berkeley) lantingDISSERTATION.pdf
- Hannes Hubmayr Ph.D Thesis (U. Minn) on EBEX detector and readout integration, 2010 2010_JHubmayr_Ebex_Thesis.pdf
- Martin Lueker's Ph.D. Thesis "Measurements of Secondary Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies with the South Pole Telescope" (but actually mostly about fmux) attached here
- Erik Shirokoff's Ph.D Thesis (draft) "The South Pole Telescope bolometer array and the measurement of secondary Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy at small angular scales." shirokoff_thesis_draft201106.pdf
- Kevin Bandura Ph. D Thesis "Pathfinder for a Neutral Hydrogen Dark Energy Survey" kbandura_thesis_PhD.pdf
- François Aubin Ph. D Thesis "Detector readout electronics for EBEX : a balloon-borne cosmic microwave background polarimeter" (McGill, 2012) : Aubin_Thesis_final_lowres.pdf (2.3 MB), Aubin_Thesis_final.pdf (21.9 MB)
- Toki Suzuki's Ph.D Thesis "Multichroic Bolometric Detector Architecture for Cosmic Microwave Background Polarimetry Experiments" SuzukiAritokiThesis.pdf (39.1 MB)
- Kevin MacDermid, Ph.D Thesis (initial) "Development and Performance of the Detectors and Readout of the EBEX Balloon-Borne CMB Polarimeter" macdermid_phd_thesis.pdf
- Tijmen de Haan, Ph.D Thesis "Cosmological Constraints from the South Pole Telescope Galaxy Cluster Survey" 2014_TdH_phdthesis_final_submission.pdf
Masters Theses
Bolometer Instrumentation
- 2008 Hinderks QUaD.pdf: "QUaD: A High-Resolution Cosmic Microwave Background Polarimeter" An overview of the QUaD experiment.
- 2005_Myers_Polarbear_detectors.pdf: "An antenna-coupled bolometer with an integrated microstrip bandpass filter", Myer et al. Paper on the Polarbear microstrip integraged detectors.
- 2005_TESIrwinHilton.pdf "Transition Edge Sensors", K.D. Irwin and G.C. Hilton, preprint of chapter in Cryogenic Particle Detection, 2005. This is an excellent review of TES detectors.
- The classic John Mather papers on bolometer stability and noise
- "Bolometer noise: nonequilibrium theory", John C. Mather, Appl. Opt. 21, 1125-1129 (1982) http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=ao-21-6-1125
Derives the reduction of Johnson noise by electro-thermal feedback, and non-equilibrium phonon noise. Computes photon correlations. Provides equations for responsivity, Z(f), etc. Discusses excess noise. For current biased NTD bolometers. A real classic.
- "Bolometers - Ultimate Sensitivity, Optimization, and Amplifier Coupling" John C. Mather, Appl. Optics, 23(4), 584-588 (1984). http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=ao-23-4-584
- "Complex Impedance as a Diagnostic Tool for Characterizing Thermal Detectors", John E. Vaillancourt, 2004. http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0408090
- The complex ac impedance of a bolometer or microcalorimeter detector is easily measured and can be used to determine thermal time constants, thermal resistances, heat capacities, and sensitivities. Accurately extracting this information requires an understanding of the electrical and thermal properties of both the detector and the measurement system. We show that this is a practical method for measuring parameters in detectors with moderately complex thermal systems.
- Erik Shirokoff's Memos (Erik built the SPT detectors)
- 2005_EShirokoff_TypesOfBolometerG.pdf APEX-SZ-20050901a, "Comparing values for G recorded at different stage temperatures using different techniques" Discusses the different conventions for G, and conversion factors between them.
- 2006_EShirokoff_BolometerG_MatherFactor.pdf APEX-SZ-20060302a, "Non-Equilibrium Factors in Expected Thermal Noise", discusses the "Mather factor" for non-equilibrium bolometer noise.
- [[http://www.mcgillcosmology.com/twiki/pub/Internal/TwikiLibrary/2006_EShirokoff_AnalogReadoutConversionFactors_and_FFT.pdf][2006_EShirokoff_AnalogReadoutConversionFactors_and_FFT.pdf] APEX-SZ-20060103, "Physical Unit Conversions for the Berkeley Readout System". Discusses equations for the analog fmux transfer functions. Refer to the full documentation for that system instead. Section 4.2 of this memo has an excellent summary of the differences between FFT power spectra and PSDs, as well as the difference between IDL and matlab FFT.
- 1995_GildemeisterUCB_ThesisTES.pdf: J. Gildemeister's thesis (UC Berkeley 1995) on voltage biases TES.
fMux Documents
Student Reports
Calibration system for polarized CMB detectors (Bena Mero)
CHIME Beam Pattern Simulations (Ivan Padilla)
CMBPol Mission Concept Study Theory Workshop
The 6 papers from the CMBPol Mission Concept Study Theory Workshop are out on astro-ph. They are:
Electronics Reference Material
Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering
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