---+ Scholarships and Fellowships

In Canada, the funding philosophy is generally to fund outstanding people and they will choose good projects. As a result, the government chooses to direct more of the research funding into fellowships at the expense of projects. There are many possibilities for fellowships to pursue a career in observational cosmology. Here are a few of them.

Graduate Students

  • NSERC Graduate Fellowships
    • Eligibility: residents/citizens of Canada only.
  • Quebec Government Master's and Doctoral Research Scholarships
  • Quebec Government Foreign Student Doctoral Fellowship scholarships
  • "Programme de stages internationaux" from the FQRNT, which allows our research center to send students to work in other countries for a minimum period of 2 months, and a maximum of 12 months.
  • McGill Tomlinson Fellowships
    • deadline is early January each year.
    • valued at $20K/year ($15K/year) for doctoral (master's) students
  • Sigma xi Grants provide up to $5K of research money for students in astronomy. To apply you need to buy a $25 student membership. Deadline is Oct 15 and March 15. Students can apply for these grants to fund extended stays at our experiments. The application includes a 500 word proposal (about 1 page) and 2 letters of reference - so prepare your application well in advance.
  • MITACS Internship Program MITACS Accelerate These are partnership awards, in collaboration with an industrial partner. Both canadians and foreign students are eligible.
    • Partner organizations can include companies, hospitals, not-for-profit corporations and government agencies.
    • Both MITACS and the participating organization contribute $7,500 towards a four-month internship, resulting in a $15,000 research grant being awarded to the supervising professor. It is recommended that the intern receive approximately $10,000 as a stipend.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

  • NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowships PDF
  • McGill Tomlinson Fellowships
    • deadline is early November each year.
    • valued at $30K/year for two years.
  • Quebec Government Foreign Postdoctoral Fellowship Scholarships
    • Eligibility: For foreigners pursuing postdoc research in Canada. (Canadians are not eligible). For new researchers who obtained their degree no more than two years before the deadline for the competition
    • $35K/year + top-up. 1 year only.
    • deadline is normally in early september every year.
    • http://www.fqrnt.gouv.qc.ca/nateq/bourses/regles/boPBEEEAng.htm
  • MITACS Internship Program MITACS Accelerate These are partnership awards, in collaboration with an industrial partner. Both canadians and foreign students are eligible.
    • Both MITACS and the participating organization contribute $7,500 towards a four-month internship, resulting in a $15,000 research grant being awarded to the supervising professor. It is recommended that the intern receive approximately $10,000 as a stipend.
  • Canadian Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships (PDRF)
    • Awards available to Post-Doctoral Level students to pursue research in Canada.
    • Canadian citizens are NOT eligible. Only citizens from Brazil, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, South Korea, and United Kingdom can apply.
    • $32K/year, 1 year only.
  • NSERC NATO Fellowships (for non-canadians)
    • http://www.nserc.ca/sf_award_e.asp?nav=sfnav&lbi=nato_reg#general
    • Fellows must be citizens of one of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Tajikistan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine or Uzbekistan, and must not be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada
    • must be taken by July 1 of each year.
    • total value of the fellowship is $33,000 per year + travel allowance.
  • IAW Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation postdoctoral Fellowship
    • An international fellowship with no limitations on nationality, but preference will be given to applicants from countries in difficult economic conditions. Only one of these is offered every few years. It must be taken to a country other than your home nation.

Undergraduate Research Scholarships and Course Credit

See http://www.mcgill.ca/science/ours/ for full details on undergraduate research funding and course credit at McGill.

  • McGill students may be able to pursue a research project in the 396 undergraduate research project course, http://www.mcgill.ca/science/ours/396/. Contact Prof. Dobbs if you are interested in doing a project in observational cosmology.
  • Undergraduate students from anywhere can apply to NSERC for summer research funding, see http://www.mcgill.ca/science/ours/nserc/. There are 12 NSERC USRA awarded in physics each year.
  • Prof. Dobbs normally accepts one undergraduate student per semester from the McGill Workstudy program. See http://www.is.mcgill.ca/studentaid/workstudy/ for current postings.
  • Science Undergraduate Research Award" (SURA), funded by the Dean of Science. There are 4 SURA's for physics and chemistry each year. The value is similar to NSERC; what is special is that the SURA's can be held by international students (if they are registered at McGill). The deadline for submission to the department is March 12. Canadians can use the NSERC USRA forms (they needn't make a new submission if they are already submitting for the NSERC USRA, deadline March 5th). Foreign students will find the SURA application forms available at the faculty of science web site.

-- MattDobbs - 03 Apr 2006

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