Here is a list of the plugins currently installed and enabled on this TWiki site:
"$SUM( $ABOVE() )"
to TWiki tables or anywhere in topic text ExternalSite:Page
text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic :-)
for :eek:
Administrators can enable and disable plugins using configure.
Plugin | Errors |
SpreadSheetPlugin | none |
BackupRestorePlugin | none |
CommentPlugin | none |
EditTablePlugin | none |
GenPDFLatexPlugin | none |
HeadlinesPlugin | none |
ImageGalleryPlugin | none |
InterwikiPlugin | none |
JQueryPlugin | none |
LatexModePlugin | none |
MathModePlugin | none |
PdfPlugin | none |
PreferencesPlugin | none |
PublishWebPlugin | none |
SlideShowPlugin | none |
SmiliesPlugin | none |
TWikiDrawPlugin | none |
TWikiNetSkinPlugin |
TWiki::Plugins::TWikiNetSkinPlugin::initPlugin did not return true (0) |
TablePlugin | none |
TagMePlugin | none |
TinyMCEPlugin | none |
TwistyPlugin | none |
WysiwygPlugin | none |
Handler | Plugins |
afterCommonTagsHandler | LatexModePlugin |
afterEditHandler | WysiwygPlugin |
afterSaveHandler | PublishWebPlugin TagMePlugin |
beforeCommonTagsHandler | EditTablePlugin PreferencesPlugin TwistyPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
beforeEditHandler | TinyMCEPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
beforeMergeHandler | WysiwygPlugin |
beforeSaveHandler | CommentPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
commonTagsHandler | SpreadSheetPlugin BackupRestorePlugin CommentPlugin EditTablePlugin GenPDFLatexPlugin HeadlinesPlugin ImageGalleryPlugin JQueryPlugin LatexModePlugin MathModePlugin PublishWebPlugin SlideShowPlugin SmiliesPlugin TWikiDrawPlugin TagMePlugin |
endRenderingHandler | PdfPlugin This handler is deprecated - please check for updated versions of the plugins that use it! |
initPlugin | SpreadSheetPlugin BackupRestorePlugin CommentPlugin EditTablePlugin GenPDFLatexPlugin HeadlinesPlugin ImageGalleryPlugin InterwikiPlugin JQueryPlugin LatexModePlugin MathModePlugin PdfPlugin PreferencesPlugin PublishWebPlugin SlideShowPlugin SmiliesPlugin TWikiDrawPlugin TablePlugin TagMePlugin TinyMCEPlugin TwistyPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
modifyHeaderHandler | WysiwygPlugin |
postRenderingHandler | EditTablePlugin MathModePlugin PreferencesPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
preRenderingHandler | InterwikiPlugin SmiliesPlugin TablePlugin |
startRenderingHandler | WysiwygPlugin This handler is deprecated - please check for updated versions of the plugins that use it! |
Note: The diagnostics are provided by the %FAILEDPLUGINS%
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, TWikiPreferences, AdminDocumentationCategory, AdminToolsCategory, TWikiSkinBrowser