Here is the first map for A520


A source is seen at RA = , DEC =

Later this afternoon....will have noisemaps.

Here is a preliminary BOA map by DJ for comparison:

1. No source flag has been used
2. The calibration has been fixed to the values from scan 32895. This is calibrated from a Mars scan in August 2007.
3. Many channels are getting cut during the optical efficiency cuts routine.
During this routine, the optical efficiency is defined as the ratio of the electrical power gain to the sky power gain for each detector (uses the adc to power conversions: optical_eff = adc_pw_elec / adc_pw_sky). The adc_pw_sky is determined from the Mars scan, so this should change (improve) with the proper calibration.
4. ~ 2 scans have pointing data that is not sampled at the same rate as the bolometer data. This problem is rare and can sometimes be fixed by removing the last ~20% of the scan.
5. ~ 44 scans do not have the full readout electronics data stored in the MBfits files. We can work around this, but can't make optical_efficiency cuts on the detectors (using the above algorithm).
6. Old scan indexing has been used. The new scan indexing is currently being tested in parallel with the A520 reductions.

There are 283 scans in total.
180 have been coadded to produce the above figure
44 do not have readout monitoring data in MBfits file
2 do not have matching pointing and bolo data
13 do not track the source during the scan (as determined by the pipeline)
4 have cut all channels during the filtering/flagging stage
40 scans have not been used. The unprocessed scans were missed due to a McGill matlab crash.

-- JamesKennedy - 17 Feb 2009

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng 2009-02-17_map.png manage 15.9 K 2009-02-17 - 19:15 JamesKennedy  

This topic: APEX_SZ > WebHome > A520 > 2009-02-17 Topic revision: r3 - 2009-02-18 - JamesKennedy
© 2020 Winterland Cosmology Lab, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada