*Cluster A520*
RA = 04h54m19sec (73.57deg)
DEC = 02deg56min49sec (2.95deg)
Z = 0.209 +/- 0.01
T_xray = ~9.3(+0.4 -0.5) (note: Different peak temperatures)
Mahdavi et al.
July 2007
- Multi-wavelength observations of A520.
- Detects a massive dark core that coincides with X-ray peak
- Detects a low mass/light region that coincides with a shock feature (radio halo)
Okabe et al.
Astro-ph preprint. Initially submitted Feb 2007 - latest version submitted April 2008
- Weak lensing study of 7 merging clusters (including A520)
- A520 classified as ongoing merger
- Notes X-ray observations of 2 gas clumps. Interprets as possible 3-componet merger
- Bow shock mass and X-ray signal coincide
Markevitch et al.
April 2005
- Compare Chandra observations and with observed Radio halo
- Focus on supersonic bow shock
- Discuss models for the radio emission (electron acceleration)
2009-02-17 - First map
2009-03-26 - Calibrations
2009-06-03 - Update
2009-06-10 - Calibrated maps
2009-06-10a - Skydip calibrations
2009-06-23 - Testing new filter
A520_v1.pdf: Current status of A520 analysis and to do items.
2009-07-08 - Skydip calibrations followup
2009-08-12 - A520 status as of 2009-08-12
JamesKennedy - 14 Jan 2009
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Topic revision: r12 - 2009-08-12 - JamesKennedy