We commonly use the polynomial + secant filter to remove large scale atmosphere and airmass signal from our timestreams. Some of the SPT guys at McGill now use a fourier mode filter instead of a polynomial. Presented is how this filter would apply to APEX-SZ data.

Proceedure, all the Fourier modes up to the specified order are simultaneously fitted and removed from the timestream along with a first order polynomial and an airmass signal.

The original Timestream

Filtering to 5th order fourier modes.
The fourier mode filter is comparable to the polynomial + secant filter, for the low order case.

*Filtering to higher orders.*

The airmass signal looks very similar to a 36th order fourier mode. Here, we filter up to this order (35th order + secant) to remove signal on scales larger than the airmass signal.

Here is the residual timestream

We also tried to remove a the first 36 orders and NOT the secant to see if we still need to fit the secant. The residual shows some large scale structre likely due to the airmass signal.



-- JamesKennedy - 23 Jun 2009


Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng 35fm.png manage 22.1 K 2009-06-23 - 18:32 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng 35fm_res.png manage 7.8 K 2009-06-23 - 18:33 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng 35fm_secant.png manage 6.0 K 2009-06-23 - 18:34 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng 35fm_ts.png manage 6.9 K 2009-06-23 - 18:33 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng 35polysec_res.png manage 6.2 K 2009-06-23 - 18:34 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng 5fm.png manage 6.3 K 2009-06-23 - 18:32 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng 5fm_ts.png manage 5.1 K 2009-06-23 - 18:32 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng fm35_res.png manage 6.5 K 2009-06-23 - 18:50 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng fmmap.png manage 38.0 K 2009-06-24 - 17:19 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng poly_fmmap.png manage 17.9 K 2009-06-24 - 17:20 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng polymap.png manage 39.1 K 2009-06-24 - 17:19 JamesKennedy  
PNGpng szd_plot.png manage 6.7 K 2009-06-24 - 18:32 JamesKennedy  

This topic: APEX_SZ > WebHome > A520 > 2009-06-23 Topic revision: r4 - 2009-06-26 - JamesKennedy
© 2020 Winterland Cosmology Lab, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada