Current Status of the A520 analysis.
Main points: 1. PSF function has large negative sidelobes.
two possible causes: A bad composite-beammap (there is a known noisy composite beammap).
Unusual flagging.
To do items: Re-check calibration. Compare composite beammaps
Get flagging statistics. Compare with Bullet data
Remake Bullet PSF to see if pipeline has changed. *This has been done. The new Bullet PSF is the same as the old*
Still making maps, with various filters (butterworth, polynomial removal, various template orders).
* Using the same reduction as the Bullet Map.
* Using the Bullet map reduction + 0.3Hz butterworth filter.
Trying out the CLEAN deconvolution algorithm. There is an issue with the PSF normalization causing the CLEAN algorithm to fail.
Below is a comparison between the PSF for the Bullet data and the PSF for the A520 data. These use the same filtering.
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A520 > 2009-08-12
Topic revision: r3 - 2009-08-13 - JamesKennedy