---+ pipe_scr_source.m
% Script to set szvar fields and run master pipeline.
% Note: I'll document variables in a spperate file later. There are
% several boolean fields (0,1), makeplots, which turn on/off
% plotting (and saving plots to png files), verbose, which turns
% off/on messages, and map_make_filtermaps, which turns on/off
% making maps after each intermediate filter step.
% The rest of the fields are fairly self-explanatory.
clear szvar
szvar.note = writes the field and observation date to the screen.
Example: 'RXCJ2248 April 2007'
szvar.archivedir = Directory where mbfits data can be found.
Example: '/home/james/apexsz/rawdata';
szvar.caldir = Directory to store calibration files.
Example: '/home/james/apexsz/calibration_spring2007';
szvar.savedir = Directory to store pipeline output directories.
Example: '/home/james/apexsz/';
szvar.workingdir = szvar.savedir;
szvar.runname = Name of the directory to be created, where data will be stored.
Example: ['RXCJ2248-C'];
szvar.scannum = Scan numbers for the field of interest.
Example: [6260:6267];
szvar.scannum_cal = scan number for mars calibration scan closest to your field scans.
Example: 6421;
szvar.makeplots = If you want to create plots of noise, maps etc. set to 0 if you do not want plots, maps etc. set to 1. I have found that if it is set to 0 an error will occur when pipe_line is fun. A figure directory is not created, but attempts to export to this directory still occurs.
szvar.exportplots = Set to 0 if you do not want to save your plots, 1 if you do;
szvar.verbose = 1;?
szvar.numthreads = 1; % Not yet implememented. (multithreaded scan reduc)*
szvar.glitch_sigmacut = 4.5;
szvar.noisychannel_noisecut = 30e-12;
szvar.noisychannel_subscanfactor = 2.5;
szvar.noptcut = [0.08];
szvar.maxadccut = [5 70];
szvar.tsfilter = The .tsfilter vector selects the parameters of the data filtering. There can be up to 'n' filtering cycles by adding 'n' columns to the .tsfilter vector. The first element in a filter column should be a string indicating the method of filtering(either 'poly' or 'pca'). The second element will determine the level of filtering by the selected type (eg. the polynomial order to remove from the data. A third element can be added for further filtering options.
szvar.tsfilter{1}= {'poly', 1};
szvar.tsfilter{2} =* {'pca', 5, 'wholescan'};
szvar.tsfilter{3} =* {'poly', 2};
szvar.map_res = 10/3600;
szvar.map_range = 3500/3600;
szvar.map_convres = 60/3600;
szvar.map_weighting = 'uniform'; % timestream weighting for a single scan map
szvar.map_coadd_weighting = 'inttime'; % weighting for coadding scan maps
szvar.map_coordsys = 'dradec';
szvar.map_make_filtermaps = 0;
JamesKennedy - 23 Jul 2007
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Topic revision: r2 - 2007-07-24 - JamesKennedy