---+ User Manual for the Wiener VME fMUX Readout Crates

Since the SPT system uses three VME crates, this instruction set is written for that system, which is the most complicated of the existing systems.

Setup and Wiring for SPT Readout System crates.

Three 9U VME crates house the SPT readout electronics, SPT1, SPT2, SPT3. They house 60 oscillator/demodulator boards.

  • Osc/demod boards labelled 0x21 thru 0x35 go in SPT1
    • IP address MAC Address: 00:50:C2:2D:C0:25
    • 6 squid controllers SPT-A to SPT-F in SQRF1 attach to SQUID port A (the lower DB25) on boards 0x21, 0x23, 0x27, 0x2c, 0x2e, 0x32
  • Osc/demod boards labelled 0x41 thru 0x55 go in SPT2
    • IP address MAC Address: 00:50:C2:2D:C1:EE
    • 6 squid controllers SPT-G to SPT-L in SQRF2 attach to SQUID port A (the lower DB25) on boards 0x41, 0x43, 0x47, 0x4c, ox4e, ox52
  • Osc/demod boards labelled 0x61 thru 0x75 go in SPT3
    • IP address MAC Address: 00:50:C2:2D:C3:84
    • 6 squid controllers SPT-M to SPT-R in SQRF3 attach to SQUID port A (the lower DB25) on boards 0x61, 0x63, 0x67, 0x6c, ox6e, ox72
  • 18 squid controllers (6 per RF cage) are attached to the Receiver. Each SQUID controller is labelled (e.g. SPT-A), and its corresponding slot in the RF cage is labelled.

For each crate, the squid controller analog cables (MUX medusa cable with HDDB62 connectors) are attached as follows (example here is for SPT1):

  • the first squid controller, SPT-A, only has 4 squids connected to bolometers, these are connected to cables 5,6,7,8. So leave cables 1,2,3,4 dangling, and plug 5 into port A of board 21, 6 into port B of board 21, ... 8 into port B of board 22.
  • Then continue by plugging 1 from SPT-B into port A of board 23, 2 into port A of board 23 .... all the way to SPT-C number 8 into port B board 27.
  • For the second half of the crate, repeat, with SPT-D cable 5 going to port A of board 4C, ...

Setting up the crates for ethernet access

Crate configuration:

This is done through the front panel. Here is the step by step for SPT1.
  • Use the mode switch to toggle to the TCP menu.
  • Hold the power switch up and the mode switch up for three seconds to configure this menu.
  • go to the IP address, and set it to as follows
    • hold the power switch up until the first number flashes
    • use mode to set the value
    • press the power switch up to accept this value.
    • set the next value... etc.
    • the crate's username and password are: "private" and "private"
  • set the gateway to
  • set the netmask to 10
  • html should be set to read/write, TCP should be set to autonegotiate, html port to 80, snmp port to 161, and snmp efault to no.
  • once you are finished setting all of the TCP parameters, you need to exit this submenu, you do this, against all of your intuition, by pressing the power switch once towards OFF. It will take a moment to respond. Be very careful not to press it too many times, or you might power off the crate-- which might be bad! (this is the most remarkable user interface design flaw I've encountered in German engineering... imagine if you turned the stereo off in your BMW by turning the key towards off while driving!)

To connect to the crates, use any browser on the SPTNET. You can display the voltage and current for each power supply. You can also power up and power down the crates remotely (be very careful with this!!!). The username and password are private and password. Do not use the VME SYSTRESET button.

Setting up the Readout Computer (Stoli) to connect to the crates using SNMP over Ethernet

  • snmp was not fully installed on stoli. To install it, first remove the old development version, then install the snmp 5.4 rpm, available from http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/download.html.
    rpm -e net-snmp-devel (this removes the development version)
    rpm -U net-snmp-5.4-1.fc5.i386.rpm
  • Next, move the MIB file to somewhere accessible:
    cp WIENER-CRATE-MIB.txt /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.

(Note, I have tried installing newer versions of snmp to no avail... each requires many updates of other packages, which I didn't want to do.)

WienerSNMP_Notes page with info on getting the SNMP data transfer going.

Wiener Recovery page on a recovery procedure found at McGill.

This topic: AnalogFMux > WebHome > WienerCrateSetup Topic revision: r3 - 2009-11-03 - PeterHyland
© 2020 Winterland Cosmology Lab, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada