
Publish Form

The easiest way to publish a web is from this topic, by filling in the following form.

The output is generated in a directory designated during installation. The progress messages printed during documentation generation tell you exactly where the output is, and you can use the publishers control interface to manage your published output.

Publishing is a controlled process; before you can publish, you have to have VIEW access to the topics you want to publish, and CHANGE access to the publishing history topic.

You can also create a permanent topic in a web to help with the publishing process.

Choose what to publish
Web to publish select or enter: web
Comma-separated list of wildcard patterns that match the names of topics to include.
Use * for all topics. You can specify order of topics using semicolon
Comma-separated list of wildcard patterns that match the names of topics to exclude.
Leave blank to include all topics.
Name of a topic that contains a TWiki table, each row of which maps a topic names to the version of that topic to publish.
Leave blank to publish the most recent version of each topic. The table can be generated by a %SEARCH or other TWiki variable. For example: | Web.TopicName | 1.33 |. If a topic does not appear in the table, the most recent version will be published.
A regular expression that will cause a topic to be excluded if the RE matches the topic content.
Leave blank to include all topics.
Comma-separated list of Plugins to enable during publish.
Leave blank to enable all plugins. You are recommended to disable any plugins that generate buttons in the output.
The currently enabled plugins are: SpreadSheetPlugin, BackupRestorePlugin, CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, GenPDFLatexPlugin, HeadlinesPlugin, ImageGalleryPlugin, InterwikiPlugin, JQueryPlugin, LatexModePlugin, MathModePlugin, PdfPlugin, PreferencesPlugin, PublishWebPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, TWikiDrawPlugin, TablePlugin, TagMePlugin, TinyMCEPlugin, TwistyPlugin, WysiwygPlugin
Output options
Select skin for published HTML
The skin provides the template for how topics are published. See TWikiSkins for more informations on skins.
You are recommended to pick basic_publish, or plain, or a print skin. Your installation may also offer a special export or publish skin.
IDEA! The view template is used to generate published pages, so view.basic_publish.tmpl is the template that will be used to generate the output. You can preview any topic in this skin simply by appending ?skin=basic_publish to the end of the view URL. Note that the standard VIEW_TEMPLATE template override still works when publishing.
Output format
The output will be generated on the server. You can manage the contents of the server directory from the browser using the publishers control interface
ALERT! The rendered data can get pretty big, and the process itself puts a heavy load on the server, especially when using compression on large webs.
Attachment list Include the attachment list in the generated page if the topic has one or more attachments.
IDEA! By default, the attachment list is not included in the generated page. If you have attachment files not linked from a topic text, and you want to include those attachments in the published web, you need to check this.
This is irrelevant for the PDF format because a generated PDF file cannot have attachment files included.
Publishing history topic
This is where the history of your publishing is stored. Each time you publish, this topic is re-written with the log of the publishing process. You have to have "change" access to this topic. You can specify a topic in another web using the standard Web.Topic syntax.
FILE options
FILE options are only relevant for the "file" output format. The FILE format generates a sitemap.xml, and can also generate default.htm, index.html and google site verification files.
Google file
generates the HTML verification file needed to verify your site claim. see Google webmaster tools
Default topic:
Name of topic to used to generate default.htm, index.html
Relative URL used in sitemap
the base URL that your published TWiki topics will reside at (if you are publishing to the root of your site, / is correct) see Google webmaster tools
FTP options
FTP options are only relevant if Output format is ftp
Destination FTP server
Set to blank to proof the output prior to uploading to your site.
Path to upload to on server destinationftppath
FTP username destinationftpusername
FTP Password destinationftppassword
Fast publish
Speed up the ftp publishing by only uploading modified files. This will store a (tiny) checksum (.md5) file on the server alongside each uploaded file which will be used to optimise future uploads. Recommended.
Other output generator options
Some output generators support extra options (e.g. for pdf, you can add htmldoc command-line parameters here, such as --linkstyle underline)

-- JoshuaMontgomery - 2020-05-19

Topic revision: r1 - 2020-05-19 - JoshuaMontgomery
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