Introduction to

is a complete typesetting language developed by Leslie Lamport on top of Donald Knuth's

. Most of it is implemented using
LatexModePlugin, but the main use is producing mathematics, since most other formatting is more conveniently accomplished using Wiki constructs. To produce mathematics
in-line, the

text must be surrounded by
$%. Thus,
%$\Gamma \vdash Rx_1\cdots x_n$%
looks like this

in the middle of some text. To
display mathematics, it must be surrounded by
\]%. Thus,
%\[\mathcal{N}=\langle \mathbb{N},0,1+,\cdot \rangle \subseteq \langle \mathbb{R},0,1+,\cdot \rangle\]% produces this centered display
in the middle of a paragraph, which is preferable for long formulas or ones requiring emphasis.

is used by most mathematicians, physicists, and engineers for mathematics, and articles and books are typically submitted for publication in

. There are therefore many helpful web sites, newsgroups, and books about

. The standard complete reference is Lamport's
LaTeX: A Document Preparation System (2nd Edition). The place to start on the web is the
Users Group.
Brief Tutorial on

codes begin with a backslash (\). Curly braces ({ }) are used to delimit groupings, except in a few cases where optional arguments must be enclosed in square brackets ([ ]). Many symbols have mnemonic names, like
A list of some common symbols is given in the
LatexSymbols topic. Other off-site lists include:
Some Symbols and
Some Little-Known Symbols,
All the Symbols. Not all the symbols work in the Wiki, but most of them do.
A subscript is indicated with an underline (_). If the subscript consists of more than one symbol, it must be enclosed in braces. Similarly, a superscript is indicated with a caret (^). Thus,
%$ \alpha _{ \beta _1^2}^{ \gamma ^{ \delta ^ \epsilon }}
$% yields

Document Structure
In standard

2e documents, the main file has the following
Any text that normally goes in the
preamble or
text sections of the
template above can be rendered in TWiki. The
preamble is typically used
to define new commands, or use LaTeX style-files to extend LaTeX's
functionality. The
text area contains the actual text to be rendered.
One does not need to use the
environment to
use LaTeX in TWiki.
The ability to render a complete LaTeX document within TWiki, say from an
existing file, is currently under consideration. See
TWiki:Codev.IncludeExistingLatexDocsInTWiki for details and current status.
-- courtesy of
TWiki:Main.ShaughanLavine (
see also)