This is a template topic for use with PublishContrib. It illustrates how to set up a topic in a web to simplify publishing.

To use it, take a copy of the raw text of this topic, and paste it into a new topic in your own web.

Publish topics from the TWiki web

  • Name of a topic that contains a table that maps topic names to version numbers. This topic can be used to publish specific versions of listed topics.
  • Comma-separated list of wildcard patterns that match the names of topics to include
  • Comma-separated list of wildcard patterns that match the names of topics to exclude
    • Set PUBLISH_EXCLUSIONS = Web*,Publish*
  • A regular expression that will cause a topic to be excluded if the RE matches the topic content
  • Skin for published HTML
    • Set PUBLISH_SKIN = plain
  • Comma-separated list of templates to use (defaults to view). Output will be generated for each template in this list (e.g. view,print). Note that VIEW_TEMPLATE will still override the template if it is set in specific topics (See TWikiTemplates).
    • Set PUBLISH_TEMPLATES = view
  • Format to publish in ( %CALCULATE{$LISTJOIN($comma$sp, file, zip, tgz, pdf, ftp, )}% )
    • Set PUBLISH_FORMAT = zip
  • If set, additional options that will be passed to the output generator
  • Name of the publish history topic to us. Default is PublishContribHistory
  • If set, topics having attachments get the attachment list at the bottom just like you see on a normal view page
  • You may want to set TWiki variables while publishing. For example, you probably want to disable tool bars having Edit, Attach, Raw view, etc on published topics. You can achieve that by setting PUBLISHVAR_VAR_NAME. e.g. Set PUBLISHVAR_READONLYSKINMODE = 1
    • Set PUBLISHVAR_ =
Topic revision: r2 - 2020-05-19 - TWikiAdminUser
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on at TWiki:TWiki.PublishWeb.