---+!! Instructions for how to request a purchase for lab items
First step: figure our what you need and where to buy it
- Find the item you need from an online vendor (see RecommendedVendorsForPurchasing for our list of preferred vendors).
- If you don't need the item in a hurry, then add the relevant information (vendor, item part number, quantity) to our ShoppingList and you are done. The next time someone buys something from that vendor, they should purchase your item as well.
- If you are ordering from one of the vendors for which we have an online group account (listed below), log in with our lab account , and put the items you need in the cart.
- www.newarkinone.ca Username: winterland Password: (the usual, see matt for the password or guess it)
(be careful to ensure you are using the canadian site and NEVER use the american one).
- www.digikey.ca Username: winterland Password: (the usual, see matt for the password or guess it - FIRST LETTER IS NOW CAPITALIZED)
(be careful to ensure you are using the canadian site and NEVER use the american one).
- http://www.mcmaster.com (user name mdobbs@physics.mcgill.ca)
- www.arrow.com Username: matt.dobbs@mcgill.ca, Password: the usual
- www.minicircuits.com Username: mdobbs@physics.mcgill.ca, password: the usual
- www.uline.ca Username: mdobbs@physics.mcgill.ca, password: the usual
- www.newegg.ca Username: mdobbs@physics.mcgill.ca, Password: the usual but first letter capitalized
- www.amazon.ca Username: mdobbs@physics.mcgill.ca, Password: the usual
- www.sparkfun.com Username: winterlandpurchaseorders@gmail.com, Password: the usual
- www.analog.com Username: winterlandpurchaseorders@gmail.com, Password: the usual minus the last digit (password 12 characters)
- www.avnet.ca Username: mdobbs@physics.mcgill.ca, Password: the usual
- www.nuhorizons.com Username: WinterlandUser, Password: the usual (emails go to winterlandpurchaseorders)
- www.staples.ca Username: Matt.Dobbs@McGill.ca, password: the usual but without the last three numbers.
- www.cdw.ca User: winterlandcosmology, password: the usual
- paypal.com User: winterlandpurchaseorders@gmail.com, password: the usual (Answers to security questions "McGill University")
- https://www.sunstone.com User: adamjohngilbert@gmail.com, password: the usual
- www.mouser.com Username: matt.dobbs@mcgill.ca, Password: the usual
- https://www.monoprice.com Username: winterlandpurchaseorders@gmail.com, Password: the usual
- https://www.jensentools.com Username: winterlandpurchaseorders@gmail.com, Password: the usual
See below for a template email to send to Eddie to request that he complete the transaction.
- We archive all purchase orders by CC'ing the order email to . You can log into this account and search it to find part numbers from previous orders. See matt for the password (same as the generic wiki password). If you are trying to find the part number for an item that we've ordered before (or to restock an item) this is the easiest way to do it.
Extra info on purchases for Adam & Eddie
Anytime the pcard is used to purchase an item the following form must be filled out: go to tiny url under label /DobbsExpenses (had to remove link because wiki spam filter hated it)
Request the Purchase by email
Cut and paste this form into your email and send it to Eddie with CC to
matt.dobbs@mcgill.ca AND
winterlandpurchaseorders@gmail.com . If Eddie is ounavailable, you can ask Matt or John Smeros to place the order.
Subject: YYYY-MM-DD Please purchase ITEMS from VENDOR for Dobbs Group.
How urgent is this?:
Where to buy?:
html address for online vendor, or instructions for phone purchase.
What to buy:
Quantity Part Number Brief Description Price Each
Which project or account number is this for?: (you can say "I don't know")
e.g. EBEX, APEX, POLARBEAR, general lab stock, etc.
Special Requests:
Here is an example of a request to purchase two dsub connectors from digikey:
Subject: 2009-12-09 Please purchase Cables from L-com.com for Dobbs Group.
How urgent is this?: I need this within two days... please order it today!
Where to buy?:
What to buy?:
Quantity Part Number Brief Description Price Each
2 A7FXG-1510M-ND 15 pin dsub cable $24.20
Which project is this for?: EBEX
Special Requests:
Please phone to ask if the item is in stock. If the item is NOT in stock, do not buy anything and call me. Thanks!
If you are placing an order for the Dobbs group using a McGill PCARD, here's how to do it.
- ( it is really important that Matt receives a copy of your purchase invoice (either electronically by email or else on paper). He has to account for all purchases that are made... if somehow an invoice goes missing, it costs hours of time to appease the bureaucrats on it. Please don't waste everyone's time by missing this.)
- Go online and order the item.
- IMMEDIATELY (or else you might forget) send a copy of the order confirmation (either forward the confirmation email or print the confirmation browser screen to pdf and forward it as an email) to BOTH matt.dobbs@mcgill.ca and winterlandpurchaseorders@gmail.com .
- Fill out the google form at: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=p0sceqSGMKCU8Nq_CMo92TA&email=true
- Matt will reply right away to your email with the fund number that you can use to reconcile your pcard when the charges appear. If everyone does this religiously, we won't have to hunt each other down at the end of the month when it is time to reconcile the charges!
Shipping and Credit Card Address
Shipping Address:
Matthew Dobbs
Rutherford Physics Bldg.
McGill University
3600 University Street
Montreal, QC H3A 2T8
Tel: 514-398-6500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 514-398-6500 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Credit card address:
3465 Durocher St., Room 216
Montreal, QC H2X 2C6
Tel: 514-398-1518
Our fedex account is:
Username: WinterlandCosmology
password: (same as the wiki page)
Our Fed-ex shipping account number: 352037826
PLEASE DO NOT USE NEXT DAY PRIORITY UNLESS YOU REALLY NEED IT. International Economy is usually the best choice and takes 2-3 days.
This topic: Internal
> WebHome > HowToPurchase
Topic revision: r28 - 2020-02-24 - JoshuaMontgomery