---+ !!Our Preferred Vendors
Please don't forget to forward all your orders to winterlandpurchaseorders@gmail.com (!).
- We archive all purchase orders by CC'ing the order email to <winterlandpurchaseorders@gmail.com>. You can log into this account and search it to find part numbers from previous orders. See matt for the password.
- please include the project code and date in the first part of the subject line. e.g. for a lab bench being purchased from Lista with CFI funds april 17, 2006, you should use a subject "CFI 2006-04-17 Lab bench from Lista
Packing materials
We purchase bubblewrap, Caddy packs and tape from here:
Caddy packs 12"X8"X1.25" are Part number S-551
Uline account email is
Password is the first 6 characters of our normal password
Electronics Components and parts
- www.digikey.ca (be very careful not to accidentally order from the USA site, www.digikey.com !!) Orders can be placed online without having to talk with an (inefficient) human. They ship next day for a flat fee of about $10, including duties and brokerage.
- Our lab username is "winterland", ask matt for the password or guess it. Fill your cart then ask matt or trevor to submit the order.
- (note, for custom tape and reel, change the last digit from -2 to -6).
- http://canada.newark.com/ (be very careful not to accidentally order from the USA site, www.newark.com !!). Our rep is enrico, he is very unreliable. Place all orders online if you can, rather than going through him.
- Our lab username is "winterland", ask matt for the password or guess it. Fill your cart then ask matt or trevor to submit the order.
- www.futureelectronics.com This is a montreal company, so we should support then. Shipping is 1-2 days and costs $15.
- Our lab username is "winterlanduser". See matt for the password or guess it. Fill your cart then ask matt or trevor to submit the order.
- www.arrow.com Arrow is always the cheapest for big quantity orders, but all orders need to go through our representative, Gina. Not a good option for small orders. All orders need to go through the rep as well which makes them very slow. Documentation is poor from the rep. Once the order is placed, it comes next day for a small flat fee that includes duties and brokerage.
- other people in the department seem to use Allied. Try them.
- custom cables
Test and Measurement Equipment
- www.l-com.com For cable assemblies including dsub cables, GPIB, and BNC. Shipment takes a while and we need to use a third party broker, which means small orders are not worthwhile.
- www.newark.com They usually match or beat other prices. Good option for Tektronix, Metcal, and Agilent.
- http:/www.mcmaster.com For all hardware components (fasteners, etc), wire, and many tools (incl allen keys). Arrives next day for a small flat fee including duties and brokerage. Can order online.
- mcmaster has good supply of extruded aluminum and unistrut as well.
- www.itemcanada.com
- www.canadiantire.ca For big handtools like hammers and screwdrivers. Shop in canada when you can!
- http://www.bosstoolsupply.com/ for tools - free shipping to Canada
- http://www.ancorp.com Incredibly extensive catalog of vacuum hardware (fittings, pump supplies, greases, test equipment, gauges)
- http://www.vpcinc.ca/ Vacuum Products Canada not as extensive, usually around 40-50% more expensive than A&N Corp, but sometimes more convenient for shipping
Preferred Computer Vendors
- Dell for desktop computers.
- http://www.directcanada.com Typically ships for free inside canada. Good for PC peripherals.
- Micro Bytes For small computer items. located in Montreal walking distance downtown.
- http://www.ramstore.ca (dead) for accessories like hard drives and memory. They ship next day anywhere in canada for $10.
- for laptop harddrives, by hitachi travelstar, 5400rpm sata. They seem to be the most robust.
- Memory Express Located in Alberta - memory, hard-drives, etc. They will not accept a McGill pcard by internet, because billing doesn't match shipping address. Might try phoning in the order.
- cancomputer.com they refuse to accept McGill P-cards - don't shop here.
- tigerdirect.ca great selection and prices, but returns can be ridiculously painful. Shop here only if you can't find it elsewhere. Shipping always comes from USA and is expensive.
- newegg.ca They have good selection and prices. Make sure to use the correct address (default is not correct!) Username: Matt.Dobbs@McGill.ca Password:the usual lab password
- Cable Wholesale For ethernet cables. They ship (expensive) from the USA and a broker is needed... but cables are typically a few bucks each.
- http://www.etn-informatique.com/ : A small business that has usually great prices for computers/computer related parts. Stock not online though. So not great if you are looking to search online, but great if you know more or less what you want. Located in Montreal.
Printed Circuit Board Fabrication
Here is an example printed circuit board fabrication notes file: PCB_FabNotesExample
Canadian places I've tried:
- DAPC Dynamic and Proto http://www.dapc.com/dapc-contact/contact.htm They build our Mezz board without problem but didn't do a good job with the motherboard.
- Coretec They built the Cryoelectronics board without problem, seem to be a step up from DAPC.
Fast-turn places:
USA places I've tried:
- Merix (formerly called datacircuits). Boards are built in Silicon valley, but they have a montreal office. They built our squid controller and osc/demod boards. Built the motherboards without issue.
- Cirrex USA place that does our fmux cryogenic boards that require flex. They often have errors.
- Circuits GRM http://www.grmcircuits.com/ Decent work, less expensive, frequent delays
- CMR Summit - In Montreal near A40 http://www.cmrcircuits.qc.ca/index.html info@cmrsummit.com 514.428.1229
- FR4 or Kapton and many others. Down too 0.004" traces, minimum plated hole 0.004", blind vias, Entek organic coating, flex circuits. very serious, good work, expensive.
- as of Aug 2006 no longer works with flex circuits.
- Trilogix (design, fab + assembly) http://www.trilogix.ca/
- Strataflex, Toronto - 416-752-2224. Jason- 285-3830. They specialize in flex circuits only.
Printed Circuit Board Assembly
- Cancino Technology, Montreal Area - Dorval http://www.cancinotechnologies.com/
- assembly for small quantities.
- JLA Services. small and quick turn. Julian Motayne, (450)926-0005 jla@qc.aibn.com
- Varitron Technologies. http://www.vti.qc.ca/ Fabrice Courtois (450)926-1778
- SMT-ASSY Electronique (Mario Lapointe email: smtassy@colba.net) www.smt-assy.com
- 125 Hymus blvd Pte-Claire Quebec Canada H9R 1E6 Tel: 514-428-8898 FAX : 514-428-8894
- trained at JPL and NHB
- This one doesn't look good - they have never done a QFN part before.
- Good places in Silicon Valley:
- Naprotek, Sales = liz naprotek liz 408-830-5021
- Telirite Technical Services, Patrick Chan, Telephone: 510-440-3888, 44141 Fremont Ave, Fremont, CA 94538
- (Matt does a lot of business with Telirite and likes their service/flexibility).
Cable Assembly
- Ilan (minnesota) recommends: Dave Kurschner, Best Source Electronics Ph: 763-502-7847 Ext: 304 dkurschner@bsec.net
- Phoenix
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