---+ McGill Cryo-Electronics Board Design Files

Revision 3c

Please note that the 3c boards are virtually identical to the 3b boards. The only difference should be the traces that have been moved to potentially reduce noise.

For the capacitors, please ignore the component tolerances presented on the schematic. Often they'll disagree with whats actually loaded i.e the capacitors are likely to be 10%.

* CryoElecRev3cDec2011.pdf: Revision 3c cryoelectronics board schematic

* CryoElecRev3c_07-12-2011_2-27-23_PM.zip: Altium project for Rev 3c cryoboard

* CryoboardRev3cPCBFab15June2011_RELEASED.zip: Gerbers files submitted to Telirite 15th June

Revision 3b, Dec 2010

Revision 3, April-May 2010

Revision 0, March 2009

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Compressed Zip archivezip 2009-03-15_McGill_CryoElec_Gerbers_released.zip manage 1210.7 K 2009-03-17 - 17:00 MattDobbs Gerber files, as released for Rev 0 fab
Compressed Zip archivezip 2009-03-27_McGill_CryoElec_AssemblyFiles_released.zip manage 1537.9 K 2009-03-30 - 14:28 MattDobbs Rev 0 Released Assembly Files
Compressed Zip archivezip CryoElec20090315_bk.zip manage 4876.8 K 2009-03-17 - 17:03 MattDobbs All Altium Designer 2008 design files (schematics/layout)
Compressed Zip archivezip CryoElec20090322_bk.zip manage 2165.0 K 2009-03-23 - 00:13 MattDobbs fdas
Compressed Zip archivezip CryoElec20090330_bk.zip manage 38567.5 K 2009-03-30 - 14:30 MattDobbs All altium files
Compressed Zip archivezip CryoElec20100401.zip manage 1889.9 K 2010-04-01 - 21:15 GraemeSmecher  
Compressed Zip archivezip CryoElec20100408.zip manage 1889.9 K 2010-04-08 - 21:23 GraemeSmecher  
PDFpdf CryoElecRev3b.pdf manage 2120.3 K 2010-12-08 - 20:15 WinterlandUser  
Compressed Zip archivezip CryoElecRev3b_(08-12-2010_4-17-13_PM).zip manage 2773.9 K 2010-12-08 - 21:18 WinterlandUser  
PDFpdf CryoElecRev3cDec2011.pdf manage 11268.8 K 2011-12-07 - 19:27 WinterlandUser Revision 3c cryoelectronics board schematic
Compressed Zip archivezip CryoElecRev3c_07-12-2011_2-27-23_PM.zip manage 37157.6 K 2011-12-07 - 19:30 WinterlandUser Altium project for Rev 3c cryoboard
PDFpdf CryoElec_Layout20090305.pdf manage 1311.3 K 2009-03-17 - 17:01 MattDobbs PDF file containing layout layer images.
PDFpdf CryoElec_Schematics20090315.pdf manage 250.6 K 2009-03-17 - 17:01 MattDobbs Rev 0 board schematics (March 15, 2009)
PDFpdf CryoElec_Schematics20090322.pdf manage 424.3 K 2009-03-23 - 00:18 MattDobbs fgbsh
PDFpdf CryoElec_Schematics20090327.pdf manage 424.8 K 2009-03-30 - 14:30 MattDobbs Schematics Mar 27, as assembled.
PDFpdf CryoElec_Schematics20100401.pdf manage 10611.7 K 2010-04-01 - 21:19 GraemeSmecher  
Compressed Zip archivezip CryoboardRev3cPCBFab15June2011_RELEASED.zip manage 1704.0 K 2011-12-07 - 19:34 WinterlandUser Gerbers files submitted to Telirite 15th June
Compressed Zip archivezip cryo3_(07-05-2010_3-10-29_PM).zip manage 2772.4 K 2010-05-07 - 19:12 WinterlandUser Cryoboard Rev 3 - May 7th Altium files
Compressed Zip archivezip cryo3_20100429.zip manage 3804.6 K 2010-05-12 - 15:32 GraemeSmecher  
Unknown file formatgz cryo3_20100510.tar.gz manage 2993.1 K 2010-05-10 - 22:20 GraemeSmecher  

This topic: CryoElectronics > DigitalFMux > CryoElectronicsDesignFiles Topic revision: r21 - 2011-12-07 - WinterlandUser
© 2020 Winterland Cosmology Lab, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada