---+!! Welcome to the ColdFeedback web
This Cold Feedback web contains a collection of studies/projects on feedback on or due to cryogenic circuits. For example, the DAN and DAF projects use the DfMUX board to actively feed back on the SQUID coil and bolometer respectively. Another section "electrothermal feedback" explores the feedback due to the bolometer itself.
* We are currently writing a summary paper describing the performance of the LISA (linearized SQUID array). Drafts will be posted to this web. There is also a CVS archive containing the paper and figures on kong.physics.berkeley.edu under papers/MUX_2005_LISA
LISA_firstdraft.pdf: LISA_firstdraft.pdf
Digital Active Feedback
Digital Active Nulling
- Matt's proposal is here.
- Tijmen's notes on the instability at moderate loop gain are here.
- DanBitWidths - Summary of various bit widths in DAN firmware.
- DanDiscretizationNoise - Noise induced by the finite number of bits in the accumulator.
- DanBodePlots - Bode plots for DAN
- DanOverlappingChannels - Investigation of the effect of DAN channels that overlap in frequency space.
- SonOfDAN - Plan for the next DAN strategy.
- IntroToDan - A brief introduction to setting up and running DAN.
- DanTransferFunction - The effective transfer function of DAN as a function of frequency.
- DanWhiteNoise - An investigating of the effect of DAN on white noise.
- NewCICWorkbook - Workbook for new 128-channel, pipelined CIC design
Note: DAN development has moved from this (ColdFeedback) web to the DanFirmware web. Please go there to create and read new topics relating to the DAN firmware. The following links have been redirected there as well.
Electrothermal Feedback
Cold transformer
LC Board
ColdFeedback Web Utilities
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Topic revision: r65 - 2016-06-13 - TijmenDeHaan